Spinach, Kale and Dandelion Green Salad with Blood Oranges, Candied Pecans and Blood Orange Vinaigrette

Spring is beautifully upon us.  Flowers are blooming, birds are singing.  Children are ready to shed their winter gloom to get outside and play. Then there is the yard.  Lawns need to be mowed, weeds need to be pulled. Or do they? One advantage to living in a drought ridden area is the fact that […]

Well Fed Review, Country Captain Chicken and a Giveaway!

A   couple of weeks ago I decided to float around in the “Your Recommendations” section of Amazon. Amid the number of books Amazon thought I might be interested in was one that, while it had been floating around on my list for a while, I had never really taken the time to dig deeper into. […]

Papaya Lime Coconut Muffins

I’m sorry I have been so quiet this past week. Truth is my family and I have eaten a lot of whole-food this week with very few inspirational recipes. The best meals are those that don’t require recipes though, right? 😉 Oh, I do have a couple of special just-waiting for that right moment recipes […]

ICM, Giveaway and the Chocolate Mint Green Monster (AKA, the healthiest Shamrock Shake this side of the pacific)

Happy Ingredient-Challenge Monday! As Shea and I announced last month, the 2nd Monday of every month is now dedicated to our ICM challenge! As mentioned this past Saturday, we have a lot in store for you this month. First, our featured ingredient for this month: Kale! Like I have said before, I love love love […]

Eat Like a Dinosaur and Yummy Egg Pie

If you are a regular visitor of the gluten-free blogging world, it is likely you have heard a lot of buzz about the new cookbook from Paleo Parents titled Eat Like a Dinosaur. Well let me tell you, this book is worth buzzing about. I was honored to work with Stacy and Matthew, the paleo […]

Smoked ‘Cheddar’ Bacon Soup

This month’s Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free event is focused on foods that bring healing to your mind, body and soul.  Hosted by Maggie over at She Let Them Eat Cake , this is a great opportunity to start the New Year off with some amazingly delicious and wonderfully healing recipes.   As mentioned in […]

7 links recap and giveaway winner. Happy New Year!

A few months ago, I was honored to be selected by Heather the Gluten-Free Cat to participate in a blogging challenge.   Unfortunately, at the very time she made this selection I was changing servers and my site was down…for nearly two weeks. By the time I had everything back up and running, it seemed […]

Harlequin Soup – Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Style

Today, December 20, 2011, Food Network Fall Fest draws to a close…   Last week, we were thrilled to invite you pull up a chair and join us as we shared our favorite holiday cookie recipes.   This week, we invite you to join us as we celebrate one last seasonal vegetable… Broccoli.   Now, […]

Warm Winter Chili

This week, Food Network Fall Fest is working with wonderful winter squash. Winter squash may be anything from Acorn Squash to Butternut Squash…rinds of beautiful greens yellows and oranges; the flesh from most winter squash is generally orange in color and sweet in flavor. Recently, my squash lady introduced me to this wondrous monstrosity… Called […]

Foodbuzz Tastemaker: Rosemary-Garlic Chicken Breasts with Vegetables

When the Foodbuzz Tatstemaker program offered to send a coupon through Green Giant for free Green Giant product, I was excited to take part. I have mentioned many times, on here, on Facebook and Twitter, that the best food is naturally gluten-free.  Fruits, vegetables and minimally processed meats are essential life and a vital part of […]