Local Oven – Gluten-Free Goodies Worth Talking About!

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to attend the Gluten & Allergen Free Expo in Dallas, TX. In addition to finally meeting some of my favorite blogging gals face-to-face for the first time, I enjoyed a weekend filled with food that was amazingly delicious and completely safe for me. While I did forgo my […]

September 13, Blogiversary and Upside Down Pineapple Cake (grain-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, paleo)

September 13th may not mean a lot to most, but to the many who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, September 13th is a day just as important as most any other holiday. You see, September 13th has been designated as National Celiac Awareness Day by the United States Senate, and “whereas the majority of […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: The Ultimate Collection

Over the last 31 days, dozens of bloggers have brought you their very best Healthy Lunchbox ideas, tips and recipes. While I had the pleasure of opening the series with a week’s worth of simply beautiful healthy lunches that included everything from planned-overs to lettuce wraps, it was what came over the days that followed […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Melissa Joulwan from The Clothes Make the Girl

I was first introduced to Melissa Joulwan late one night, when amid a weight-loss contest at work I decided it was high-time to make the final leap into a Paleo-centric lifestyle and wanted a cookbook that would support this effort. As you know from my March review of Well Fed: Paleo Recipes for People Who […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Naomi Devlin from Straight Into Bed Cake Free and Dried

My friend Naomi Devlin has an amazing profile.  Having trained in London at the London College of Homeopathy, Naomi practices as a homeopath and nutritionist. In addition to this, Naomi is also the mastermind behind the Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free events which began back in 2008 on her blog, Straight Into Bed Cake Free and […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Lexie from Lexie’s Kitchen

Before I became a blogger, Lexie’s Kitchen was one of the sites I visited most often.  Not only are her recipes family friendly, her story, the fact that her family began their journey towards a whole food, helth-centric lifestyle because of her child seemed all too familiar. Frankly, if it weren’t for my daughter being […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Janie from I am J the Blog

Have you met my friend, J? Janie, otherwise known simply as “J” is a girl after my own heart.  Despite challenges given to her from birth (Cerebral Palsy, surgeries, lifetime stomach issues), J has gone on to find her way through undergraduate and graduate school, two masters degrees and a teaching certification.  One busy girl! […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Adopt a Gluten Free Blogger-Jenni the Urban Poser

This month’s Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger is being hosted over at Tasty Eats at Home and I couldn’t be more thrilled! You see, because this post is both an adoption post and smack dab in middle of the Healthy Lunchbox series, the timing of this Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger meant that I would have to share […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Jessia from Allergic to Air (part 2)

I am so thrilled to have Jessica from Allergic to Air share her second entry into this year’s Healthy Lunchbox series. While her last post shared some great ideas on organizing lunchbox items and giving options to children, Jessica shares a lovely recipe that is perfect for your gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free child. They look […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2012: Slowcooker Paleo Eggplant Parmesan

You’ve heard me (as well as other bloggers) talk about planned-overs and how they make for great lunches. Well, sometimes lunch needs to be a prequel. Sometimes a meal is just too good to wait until dinner… When cooked overnight in a crock and you have a thermos ready to help keep it warm… Well, let’s […]