Healthy Lunchbox 2014: Tia from Tia’s Kitchen

Beyond the fact that the Healthy Lunchbox series has brought dozens of bloggers together over three years time to join forces and bring to you their best ideas and most cherished lunchbox recipes, I appreciate the fact that this series continues to introduce me to new bloggers and like-minded mommies. Today’s post comes from the lovely Tia over at […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2014: Phoebe from Feed me Phoebe

Phoebe from Feed me Phoebe and I have had the opportunity to work together in varying capacities from blogging with the Food Network to her fantastic Israeli Chickpea Salad shared in the 2012 Healthy Lunchbox series. From cooking classes to being able to hire Phoebe as your own personal chef, should you ever have the chance…this is a […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2014: Susan from Real Kids Eat Spinach

Susan from Real Kids Eat Spinach has been participating in the Healthy Lunchbox Series since it began, back in 2011. I am thrilled to be working with her once again. Susan is always filled with great advice and delicious recipes, and her Paleo Zucchini-Banana Bread looks to be no exception. Enjoy! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ My kids “get” it when […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2014: Kim from Thriving Gluten-Free

Kim from Thriving Gluten-Free is a certified health coach who specializes in gluten-free living. Today she is not only sharing her special story and many, many tips to keep your child’s lunch allergy friendly and kid friendly at the same time, she has also given us 3 recipes to add to our repertoire! This is […]

Healthy Lunchbox 2014: Janet from The Taste Space

Last year, Janet from The Taste Space shared with us a luscious Salad in a Jar. Her Topaz Dragon Ginger Dressing is one of my all-time favorite salad dressing solutions. As an opening recipe to this year’s Healthy Lunchbox series, this Quinoa Protein Bowl is an excellent choice for those who is meat-free or simply enjoys an […]

Welcome to Healthy Lunchbox, 2014!

Three years ago I had an idea… Every year it seems the struggle to fill my children’s lunchboxes with healthy foods they will enjoy seems to become a little more complicated. To keep things interesting, I asked some of my favorite bloggers for some help. Thus, the Healthy Lunchbox Series was born. Last year, life […]

Salted Chili Lime Watermelon Popsicles

Having spent a vast majority of my life split between Southern California and Texas, there is no doubt that my food is heavily influenced by the Mexican culture. When I was pregnant with my oldest biological son, I craved Mexican candy and chili spiced fruits most. These popsicles are a healthy throw back to those […]

Cilantro and Lime Ranch Vegetable Dip (Dairy-free, Paleo, Vegan alternatives noted)

This dip is a twist on my Easy Vegan Ranch Dressing. A little less coconut cream and a few drops of essential oil make a world of difference in flavor and texture. This mix goes together quickly and has fast become our favorite dipping sauce for veggies, topping for taco salads and more. To keep […]

Spiced Fruit Dip (Vegan, Paleo, Refined Sugar-Free)

Just a few days ago, I talked about how my family has honed in on one essential oil brand that we trust. With this, I promised to share some of my favorite oils and different ways that we use them.   This recipe is made with our protective blend. Filled with essential oils of: cinnamon, […]

Dauntless Cake (aka: Super Rich, Warm Chocolate Cake) Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo, Nut-Free Option Listed

If there is one thing someone could say about all seven people in my home…it is that we are all avid readers.  And book addicts. Maybe that is two things, but they all stem from one source. While my husband and I typically enjoy very different genres, our children always seem to take hold of […]