Healthy Lunchbox–Garlic Tomato Basil & Pesto Bruchetta (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

When preparing school lunches for children with allergies or food sensitivities, most moms (myself included) stay focused on keeping the food we send with our children as “normal” looking as possible. There are times though, where sending our kids with something ‘outside of the box’ is just what they need. I shared my recipe for […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post- Shirley Braden @ GFE–Gluten Free Easily

When I messaged my favorite bloggers and asked if they would be interested in joining me in a month-long series featuring healthy lunch box ideas, I was overwhelmed with gratitude at the positive response I received. Sweet Shirley-GFE responded with a simple, “How did you know I would say yes?”    My heart fluttered.   […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post– Gluten Free Gigi

Today’s Healthy  Lunchbox post comes from the highly energetic, absolutely adorable and simply  wonderful Gluten-Free Gigi.    Because Gigi is  nut-free, our styles vary a bit (as almond flour and nut cheeses are staples in  my home).  That being said, her gluten  free, soy free, dairy free and nut free lifestyle has inspired many great […]

Heathy Luncbox treat- Yellow Squash Vanilla Cupcakes. Ingredient-Challenge Monday

This Ingredient-Challenge Monday, Shea and I have selected the beautiful Yellow Summer Squash as our challenge ingredient of choice. This versatile vegetable is far more than an ingredient for ratatouille, vegetable casseroles or just one more thing to fry… Yellow squash is rich in antioxidants, low in calories, mild in flavor and beautiful in color.  Why […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guestpost — Stacy and Matthew, Paleo Parents

Today’s Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post comes from a very special couple.  If you have not taken the time to visit Stacy and Matthew over at Paleo Parents, please do so right away!  Until then…the beautifully written Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post below is simply a small example of the brilliance behind the couple.  Thank you Stacy […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post– Emily Truman

As promised, this month is going to be filled with different ideas, tips and recipes you can use to fill your child’s lunchbox with healthy, nutritious whole-foods all year long. Tonight’s post comes from a very dear friend of mine, Emily Truman. Emily was kind enough to donate her talent when Shea and I hosted […]

Healthy lunchboxes, a surprise gift and a giveaway

As many of you know, I am a mother of 5 children; two of whom have special diet requirements and are following a gluten-free, casein-free and shellfish-free lifestyle. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you have heard me mention that in addition to being a mother, I am also an educator. Couple these […]

Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger, Elana Amsterdam @ Elana’s Pantry

It could be said that every day is Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger in my home. As a relatively recently diagnosed celiac (almost 2 years), there are reflections and inspirations derived from various bloggers in most everything I make. I still consider myself relatively new to the gluten-free world and have no doubt that I am […]

Vegan Avocado Pistachio Pudding, Ingredient-Challenge Monday Recipe

I spent this past week several hours away from home in work related training; away from my children, husband, phone and computer.  On Wednesday, in a panic, I realized we were approaching a challenge week and hadn’t even picked an ingredient! Thankfully, I was able to reach my Ingredient-Challenge Monday partner, Shea who had something […]

Cherry Pecan Chicken Salad

This week, Food Network Summer Fest has challenged participating bloggers to work with the wonderfully sweet, perfectly in season: cherry. I am blessed to be able to share two recipes this week…the first can be found on my other website: Ingredient Challenge Monday (trust me, you WANT to check this one out). Because it is […]