About a week ago I pinned these beautiful, paleo-friendly no-bake cookies which were originally shared by Alison Lewis from ingredients, inc. While Alison’s recipe is good, really good, this recipe has been the cause of much discussion over the last week. One of the main discussions that really stuck with me is where on earth […]
no-bake cookies (allergy-free, refined sugar-free, grain-free, vegan)
Snowball Cookies (Grain-free, Dairy-Free, Vegan)

Christmas in our home means warm ovens and full bellies. Two years into a gluten-free lifestyle, it seems as if I will never quite catch up with the memories this season brings. Recently, I shared my treasured Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie; previously I have shared newly “tweaked” versions of dairy-free fudge, eggnog, and all sorts […]
Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post– Heather @ Gluten Free Cat

This special Friday edition of my ‘Healthy Lunchbox’ series comes from a fellow educator, gluten-free blogger, foodie and friend. Heather from Gluten Free Cat offers her teacher perspective, revealing what is in the typical school-lunch and shares her frustration with how this impacts her students (and thereby, her class). Please enjoy this simply beautiful post […]
Bakesale for Natural Disaster Victims

This past Friday, I shared with you my personal reasons for wanting to offer this challenge to you. Updated information identifies the drought mentioned in my Friday post as not only the worst drought since the dust bowl, we are now in the driest seven consecutive months since we began recording rainfall back in 1895. […]
Japan, Autism, and Don’t Forget Your Breakfast! Cookie Bars

As I take a moment to watch my family, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. We have our challenges; learning disabilities, a history of physical impairments (all of which have either been repaired or are treatable in nature), and obvious food challenges…but all in all, I am amazingly blessed. Every day I awake […]
Offering My Award Winning Chocolate Chip Cookies in the Bake Sale for Japan

The past two weeks have posed a difficult challenge for many bloggers. How can we be expected to share our celebrations or post recipes that reflect the splendor which fills our table, when so many people are suffering such great pain just an ocean away? Tonight, I will not be sharing a recipe with you. […]
Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, Corn Free)

Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Corn Free) When my Ingredient-Challenge Monday Girls came to the decision that we should do a “something red” special for Valentine’s Day, my mind immediately ran to favorite ingredients like strawberries, raspberries, even cherries. Then, I went shopping with my husband…my gluten loving, dairy […]
Ranger Cookies (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free)

🙂 It is Thursday, just two weeks before Thanksgiving…one might think it is important, especially as a relatively new blogger, to focus strictly on traditional Thanksgiving fare so as to help my readers plan their menus well before the big day comes. And I have several recipes I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to share […]