Home for the Holidays, Gluten-Free Style: Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Grain-Free)

There truly is no place like home for the holidays.

Whether yours is as high-tech as the one featured above, or as simple and solemn as my humble abode, I have no doubt that this simple little phrase “Home for the Holidays,” conjures images and memories like none other.

Shirley Braden of Gluten-Free Easily was undoubtedly inspired when she named her special holiday event “Home for the Holidays – Gluten-Free Style.”  From November 28 – December 23, 25 bloggers will be sharing 26 gluten-free recipes that mean home and holidays to us.


As if that weren’t enough of a reason to celebrate, Shirley has also lined up almost 100 prizes including cookbooks, resource books, apps, magazine subscriptions (print and digital), and other various items essential for gluten-free, whole-food living. There will also be 3 lovely grand prizes, including a top of the line Vita-Mix!

Every time you enter one of our giveaway’s, you are automatically entered to win one of the three grand prizes!!

So just in case you haven’t taken the opportunity to read the previously shared heartfelt stories, or delve into the decadent delights shared up to this point, here is a quick recap for you:

Day 1: Home for the Holidays: Gluten-Free Nutmeg Shortbread Flats Recipe over at Gluten-Free Easily

Day 2: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Toffee from The WHOLE Gang

Day 3: Gluten Free(also Dairy Free) Fritters from Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom

Day 4: Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cut-Out Cookie Recipe from The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen

And now on to Day 5: me!

The year that I celebrated my first gluten-free holiday was an interesting one.  Still very early in my gluten-free learning curve, the thought of creating or re-creating dishes that would keep my family from feeling deprived was simply overwhelming.

By this time, I had celebrated many holidays away from my family…away from the traditional dishes my mother would always make, away from the traditions of yesteryear and on to traditions of my own.

Because of my daughter’s milk allergy, I had long perfected a dairy-free pecan pie (a southern staple) and was pleased to find that a gluten-free version was just as easy to make. As it is with many pie recipes, creating a gluten-free version simply meant changing the crust.  From there, it was smooth sailing.

Looking back on this first gluten-free holiday of mine, there was one recipe that kept weighing on me.

My mother used to make this amazing chocolate-pecan pie she always called “Toll House Pie.”  For whatever reason, it was not until my first year as a gluten-free person that I even slowed to ask her for the recipe.

Oddly enough, it was the idea that I would never be able to have this pie again that drove me to seek for more.

It took time, but by working closely with my mother, I was able to find the right ‘tweaks’ and create a pie that is identical to the one I remember from my youth.

Always the first of any pie to disappear from the family buffet, this pie pleases even the most gluten-loving individual.

Without further adieu, I am pleased to introduce my Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Grain-Free Toll House Pie.

May your home be filled with love and laughter all season long.

Happy Holidays! xoxo

Chocolate-Pecan “Toll House” Pie


Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Grain-Free)



  1. Pre-heat oven to 350f. In large mixing bowl, beat two large eggs. Cream in palm sugar and butter flavor shortening. Add almond flour and stir until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips and pecans.
  2. Pour into prepared crust and bake at 350f for 45-50 minutes.
  3. Makes 1-9 inch Pie


As part of the Home for the Holidays, Gluten-Free Style, Shirley has lined up the following fantastic prizes to giveway:

Free for All Cooking (1 signed copy)

The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook (1 signed copy)

Cook IT Allergy Free app (1)


Carol Fenster’s 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes!


To enter for your chance to win one of these great prizes, simply leave a comment below telling me about your favorite or most memorable holiday dessert.

Giveaway ends 8pm CST Sunday, December 4, 2011. The winners will be announced Sunday, December 4, 2011and don’t forget, each entry will count as an entry for the three grand prizes!


p.s. If you have a blog and want to share your favorite gluten-free recipe that means “home” and “holidays” to you, please feel free to grab the badge for your post (kindly linking back to Home for the Holidays, Gluten-Free Style, of course)!

Good luck and be sure to check out tomorrow’s post from Stacy Toth at Paleo Parents. xoxo


  1. I must say that this pie looks amazing 🙂
    My most memorable holiday dessert since going dairy & gluten free would have to be a Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Cheesecake with Coconut Whipped Cream!

  2. This looks so good, I will definitely be making it for the holiday season.

  3. AnnMarie Deis says

    My favorite dessert was always my mom’s fudge. It was made with sweetened condensed milk and melted in a double broiler with equal parts chocolate and butterscotch chips and poured over pecans. I have yet to convert it to a dairy-free recipe. I don’t think it will ever really convert well, so I must find a new fudge recipe.

  4. Apple pie!

  5. This is my first gluten-free holiday, so I don’t have a favorite holiday dessert yet. It’s all so overwhelming, but I’m so excited to have all of these ideas to try!

    • 🙂 Stephanie, this is the event for you! What is your favorite dessert? Undoubtedly there is a recipe out there that would work for you.


  6. My favorite holiday dessert is peanut butter kiss cookies, because I used to make them with my Mom (and I love anything with chocolate and peanut butter!).

  7. What a great idea! I do have a long time relationship with chocolate. This will be a great addition.

  8. This pie looks amazing! All of my favorite holiday foods contain peanut butter, which I just found out I am allergic to-boo! Peanut butter fudge, peanut butter balls,peanut clusters, rice krispie scotcheroos…you get the idea! I have not adapted well to substituting other nut butters in recipes, so…chocolate is the next best thing!

  9. My favorite holiday dessert in my husband’s family pumpkin pie. It is more of a custard pie than regular pumpkin.

  10. Snickerdoodles … My mom would make them every year. They will always be associated with Christmas for me, and now I make them allergy-free for my son.

  11. That pie looks incredible!!! My favorite kid Christmas dessert (pre-gluten free days) was sugar cookies that my mom made and us kids decorated. As an adult, I’m (sadly) partial to any dessert that is gluten-free, not really picky!! 😉

  12. this looks great! My most memorable dessert was a Caramel Apple Cheesecake I had once. It was the absolute best thing I ever had! The crust was a salted nut base, and there were apples baked in the cheesecake and apple pie filling on top, drizzled in the best caramel. Oh yum! I’ve thought about adapting it to our allergies.. but it just seems daunting (egg, nut, gluten) Maybe I’ll give it a try one of these days!

  13. chocolate mint surprise cookies and making them with my mom… i miss them now that i recently found out i am gf …. but I mis her more!!!

  14. pumpkin pie

  15. Wow, it’s just 8am and I want that pie right now! Lol
    This is also my first gluten, grain, and casein free holidays, so no favorites yet. My usual favorites are apple or cherry pie, gingerbread, ebelskivers, and cinnamon rolls 🙂

  16. Cranberry cake with hot butter sauce.

    hands down.

    it’s a basic white, no egg cake with fresh cranberries, but it’s the hot butter sauce that makes the cake…

    Maybe some day I will be adventurous and try my hand at revamping it to be g/f?

  17. My most memorable dessert was the first time I tried to make pies. I used too much water and all of the crusts turned out rock hard. My husband wound up unable to cut them and we had to scoop out the filling and eat it alone. We had a great laugh over it though.

  18. My favorite dessert of all time is the flourless chocolate cake recipe by Karin of Glutenfree Goddess. It’s heavenly! And I can perk it up with whipped cream on top for my guests who aren’t worried about dairy!

  19. This looks so good, but I can’t have eggs!! Can you use any substitutions with this recipe??

    • I haven’t tried making this one egg-free just yet, please let me know if you find a suitable substitute. xoxo

    • Hi Sunny,
      I haven’t tried this recipe yet, but here is how you replace 2 eggs in most recipes.
      2 flax eggs (2 Tbsp flax meal + 6 Tbsp of hot water, let sit for 10 minutes)
      I hope this helps.
      I am so excited to try this recipe. This will be my first gluten free Christmas & I love pecan pie!

      • 🙂 Hi Angela,

        I love flax eggs! Unfortunately, they don’t seem to work well in this pie. Please let me know if this works for you or if you find some other substitution. I know you will love this pie!


  20. This looks amazing!!!! Mmmmmm!!! Thank you for posting!!

  21. Oh my, this looks so good. Way to go on re-creating a family favorite. It’s my first GF Christmas!


  22. Dana Coughlin says

    The pie looks so good.

    My most memorable holiday dessert is Mince Meat pie; when I was young only my dad and I would eat it; now with my own family only me and my son will eat it.

  23. Oh my gosh I can’t wait to make this! I have been waiting for a healthier version of pecan pie. I have to say though my most memorable dessert is always Chocolate Mint Bars. They were incredible and addicting, but filled with butter, wheat and sugar. So I haven’t had those in a while. (P.S. You should really add share buttons on your posts so it’s easier for people — like me — to save and share your recipes!)

  24. I would love to be entered for either the Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook or Carol Fenster’s 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes (i own Free for All and do not have an Ipad or Iphone). As for a memorable holiday dessert – it would have to be buche de noel, which is a rolled cake decorated to look like a yule log.

  25. My favorite dessert from when I was a kid was simple cut out cookies that we frosted. Many fond memories of decorating cookies with my mom and my brothers and now with my mom and my daughter. I have found a couple gf recipes I am going to try, so we can continue the tradition.

  26. Thanks for the recipe and the give-away! So to answer your question about our favorite holiday dessert… I think I have to go with the all-time classic Christmas sugar cookie with tons of bright-colored frosting. I have yet to find a healthier alternative, but I’ll always remember making and frosting Christmas cookies as a kid with the rest of my family!

  27. Looks amazing!


  28. Hi again,
    I just “liked” your page on Facebook and shared the recipe! It looks so great.


  29. I love your recipes. Cant wait to try them. My favorite holiday desert memory was my mothers homemade flan. The caramel was my favorite part, of course! It was perfection every time.

  30. So, I don’t remember any ONE specific dessert, but my favorite sweet over the holidays was making candies with my Mom. We’d always try something new, but our favorite were the caramels.

  31. My favorite holiday dessert was always my Grammy’s cranberry-orange bread. I make a gluten free version of my own, but it still isn’t the same.
    This pie looks delicious, it will definitely make an appearance at my house!

  32. Looks yummy! My favorite holiday dessert is pressed butter cookies!

  33. What a lovely thing, working side by side with mom to perfect a favorite dish. My favorite Holiday dessert is layered peppermint brownies. The fact that I’m allergic to the gluten, the dairy and the eggs has yet to stop the dream. 🙂

  34. KellyBelly says

    This dessert is a tradition yet but I would love to make it one, it is raw apple pie. I just started making it this fall and my family loves it. I think I’ll be brave and bring it to Christmas but want a different name for it. My family won’t understand what I mean my raw.

  35. My favorite holiday dessert is my grandmas homemade cheesecake recipe! 🙂 My favorite part! I am now trying to adapt it to dairy free for the holidays! Thank you for the post! 🙂

  36. This looks amazing! Such great recipes!

  37. This pie looks awesome! Thanks for the great recipes!

  38. My favorite holiday dessert was always my grandmother’s cobbler, she always had one freshly baked and cooling on the table when we arrived at her house. This is my first holiday season since going gluten free, so I’m still learning the ropes, but we made a fairly decent pumpkin pie with a crushed gingerbread/almond flour crust. I could use all the help I can get from these cookbooks!

  39. my favorite is peanut butter pie which I can’t have anymore!! This looks like a good substitute though:)

  40. I used to love to make Amaretto bread before going gf (and now df, too). One of my aunties used to make it every year and when I moved out on my own, she passed the recipe down to me. I’m looking forward to trying to resurrect this dessert in a few weeks using Shirley’s Perfect Pound Cake recipe as my starting point. 😀

  41. My most memorable holiday dessert was my grandmas apple cake and her cookies. Now that I am gf, I will have to try to transform the recipe!

  42. This pie looks amazing! My most memorable holiday desert is colored cakes. I don’t remember all the ingredients, but I do remember there was lots and lots of food coloring. Our family would make these each year and each kid would get a mound of dough and we would add our favorite color. Then we would knead and play with it until the color was just right. When we were ready all the colors were sort of braided together, then baked in the oven. When cooled it was drizzled with icing. It was probably the most unhealthy thing around, but it was so much fun making, and we all talk about it each Christmas.

  43. This sounds amazing!! My hubby made his first pie ever this last Thanksgiving. He was craving pecan pie so that is what he made. It turned out awesome. I think he would love this one even more now!! Awesome recipe, Sunny! 😉

  44. Yummy! Have to make this for my grandson!


  45. Just found your site. Our son is GF/DF. I love finding inspiration from others to nourish my little man. Thanks!!

  46. This pie looks so dang good it might be my very own new holiday tradition.

  47. Lianne Wessner says

    oh that looks so YUMMMY ! our first gluten/dairy free holiday, needing some inspiration. fave dessert would have to be lemon snow

  48. Rachel Blom says

    My favorite holiday dessert has been pecan pie and w/this being our first gluten-free holiday I’m not sure I’ll get to learning to make pies quite yet but maybe next year 🙂

  49. This being my first gluten-free holiday season,we’ve been trying to experiment with our old recipes to make them gluten, dairy and peanut free. My favorite holiday treat would probably be my mom’s thumbprint cookies… and the smell of gingerbread men baking in the oven. I sure do miss peppermint bark and toffee though!

  50. Our dessert is a “marshmallow salad” that my husband’s grandmother came up with. This year I am working on making it gluten-free 🙂

  51. This pie looks wonderful. I always liked the cookies my grandma made with the cookie press.

  52. I had this pumpkin crunch cake that was delicious. I’ve tried to find the recipe online, but haven’t been able to.

    This recipe looks delicious. I’m going to have to make it!

  53. Michele Miller says

    This sounds so good……I was wondering, since I am not dairy free at this time, can I use regular dairy type ingredients in place of your alternatives?

    I love pumpkin pie!! I use the Mi-Lo ginger snaps crushed and with butter as the crust and I make the regular Libby recipe and it comes out wonderful!!!

  54. YUM! This looks delicious! My favorite recent holiday dessert was a very chocolatey bundt cake that I hopefully can recreate to be corn, gluten, soy, dairy-free this year. Thanks for the giveaway and recipe!

  55. Heather Brandt says

    My most memorable holiday dessert was the year my mom made Better than Robert Redford cake and I got sick with a virus…the cake I ate lots of was not a good memory when I became nauseous!

  56. Rebecca Avery says

    This looks yummy! I was able to make a gluten free and dairy free pumpkin roll and dairy free 24 hour salad which is a favorite of mine.

  57. Making Christmas candy and cookies with my mom. Things are limited now that I am gluten free though. I would love the prize package.

  58. This looks crazy amazing!! I will HAVE to make it!!

  59. My favorite holiday recipes are 5 minute fudge (which adapted easily using coconut milk) ~ and orange poppy seed pound cake which was the ultimate holiday favorite, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to convert it yet… Maybe one day. Thanks for sharing an old family favorite made even better now!

  60. that pie looks awesome! My favorite holiday dessert are buckeyes. Oh i can’t resist…bad news, but so good!

  61. Margo strahlberg says

    I love eggnog for dessert!

  62. That looks so yummy! My favorite holiday food is my mom’s strawberry cheesecake. I need to find a gluten free version of it now.

  63. This pie looks delicious! One of my favorite holiday desserts are spritz cookies because of the memories making them every year with my mom. I haven’t tried making them yet since going GF.

  64. One of my all time favorites is “Puppy Chow” that my wife introduced me to. Its a Chex cereal mix mixed with melted chocolate/peanut butter mixture, tossed in a big bag with powdered sugar. Going to try and go gluten free with the recipe… maybe just Rice Chex.

  65. Pie sounds and looks yummy. Every Christmas I would make Spritz Cookies for our traditional favorite. Not sure how that will go this year?

  66. My favorite holiday dessert has to be my mom’s pecan pie! Easy enough to make gluten-free too…just have to change the crust!

  67. I dont remember what they were called but my Italian grandmother always had a tower of little cake like balls covered in honey and sprinkles. That and pizzelles (sp ?) covered in powdered sugar.

  68. always pumpkin pie, my all time favorite!

  69. I love chocolates, I make homemade dairy-free cherry cordials and peanut butter balls. I also love fudge, too.

  70. hmmm fave dessert.. difficult to choose.. any choco truffles and toffee bars.. and both are so easily veganizable and deglutenizable!

  71. I have been making a chocolate pecan for several years that follows the traditional pecan pie recipe with the addition of chocolate chips. My teenage nephews always request two for Christmas (so they can have one for the next day.) This is my first year wheat free so I’ve been looking for a pie crust recipe. I’m looking forward to trying your crust.

  72. Amy Bartel says

    My favorite holiday dessert was my mom’s toffee bars. She would sprinkle red and green Sprinkles on top of the walnuts and chocolate to make it more “festive”. I think I will look for a gluten free version, these were more of a cookie bar than like candy.

  73. I am so excited to find this recipe. I am GF/DF too and so many recipes are GF but loaded with dairy. This looks yummy!

    My favorite dessert is my moms molasses cookies…which I’ve yet to adapt to a GF diet. It’s my goal for the holiday season.

    And winning a prize would be fun too.

    Merry Christmas!

  74. melissa smith says

    Yeah a recipe that is grain free too….woo hook! Di u thunk I can use plain gelatin instead of eggs?

  75. This looks delicious! I have a serious love affair with chocolate and this will make it into my holiday line up for sure. My all time favorite holiday food is a toss up between an old family recipe for Scottish Shortbread (which I have not converted GF yet!) and basic Sugar Cookie Cut Outs with REAL buttercream icing. Unfortunately I am not only gluten free but also casein free so the butter is out.

  76. Laura Harmasch says

    My favorite holiday dessert is a German cookie that I can’t pronounce. My neighbor used to make them for us and we started making them after she passed away. They are a hard cookie that you then frost and put in a container with an apple and they soften.

  77. My favorite holiday dessert, without a doubt, is my Grandmother’s plum pudding. Last year I made a gluten free version which, while not quite as good, still allowed me to relive all those Christmases with her.

  78. Amy LeTourneur says

    This looks like perfection! It will definitely be on my Christmas sideboard this year. =)

  79. My mom’s Xmas cookies. I can still remember my brother and I frosting and decorating them for hours.

  80. My favorite Holdiay Recipe is Vegan Pumkin Cheescake. I have many allergies so I am a forced Vegan but have never been happier and healthier. I got my recipie from “The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen” or nourishmeals.com – http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/10/gluten-free-pumpkin-cheesecake-recipe.html

    Yum Yum
    Brandie Bennett

  81. YUM, I love pecan pie and this looks amazing! My favorite holiday dessert is pie! Any flavor, I like it 🙂 So this is absolutely perfect!
    Thank you!

  82. Your pie sounds wonderful but I’m really excited about your red velvet fudge!

  83. Mmmm, chocolate pecan pie!!! What an amazing combination, looks fantastic! Thank for sharing the recipe, can’t wait to try it out!!!

  84. My favorite treats are cookies and all the chocolate

  85. My favorite holiday dessert is fudge. I found an easy fudge recipe several years ago that works great. Now just have to adapt it for the other allergens I was diagnosed with this year.

    • What allergens, Christine? I have several fudge recipes, and am always more than happy to ‘tweak’ as needed for my readers. That, and any excuse to make fudge, right 😉

  86. Thanks for the recipe!!! This is my first gluten-free holiday so I have a lot of experimenting to do. I am trying to find a substitute for my favourite holiday dessert, pumpkin pie – and I always have it chilled with whipped cream! 🙂

  87. My goodness.. this pie looks wonderful!! I still love fudge best!

  88. Megan Holder says

    Thank you for sharing your recipe, it looks amazing!! I definitely am going to make it for Christmas, it looks too good not to.

    Every year my mom makes her mouth-watering sweet potato pie, but since going gluten and dairy-free, I have not been able to eat it, but I am determined to convert it to taste just as good if not better. 🙂

  89. I love baked apples…or anything with lots and lots of cinnamon!


  90. My mom makes an incredible lemon meringue pie!

  91. I love pecans, but with chocolate…oh, sounds like it’s to die-for! I think my most memorable holiday dessert was as a freshman in college. We only had a tiny (and I mean tiny) kitchenette with limited baking paraphernalia, and I was staying at school for Thanksgiving. So, I ended up mixing up a pumpkin pie in a saucepan, and using a cake round for the pie crust! It was, needless to say, very satisfying in the end.

  92. Wow, I can’t wait to make this. My favorite holiday dessert was my mom’s chocolate pudding cake. It was just the right consistency not too sweet with LOTS of dark chocolate goo. Sometimes we would put Breyer’s french vanilla ice cream on top or homemade whip cream. Perfect.

  93. I think this will become my favorite treat! But my husband loves pecan and fruit pies, so this easy crust will be a welcome addition to my recipe collection.

  94. Ronnda Stapleton says

    My most memorable holiday dessert is making tons and tons of sugar cookies with my grandma in oodles of Christmas shapes and then decorating them with icing. And then the best part, having her tell me stories as we ate them and drank milk day after day until they were all gone. :O)

  95. My favorite holiday dessert would have to be my gluten free pumpkin pie with a little whipped cream. I love pumpkin and this really does it for me. Your pie looks delicious and may give my pumpkin pie some competition though! Thanks for the chance to enter the drawing!

  96. Chrystal in Canada says

    I love making GF Christmas cake. I think I almost enjoy making it more than eating it! My mom modified her mom’s recipe to make it GF, and that is such a special bonding time to bake it! The house smells like a symphony and there is nothing like mixing nuts and fruits and the aroma they create.

  97. Now I wonder if an egg replacer would work. That looks yummy

  98. Sunny, that looks wonderful! A perfect combination of the best of pecan pie AND the best of toll house cookies! But her most memorable cookies were definitely the “Frozen Nut Cookies,” a sort of shortbread with ground walnuts and maraschino cherries. Mmm!

  99. One of our favorite Holiday recipes is Spritz Cookies. Even my husband makes them! I’ve tried a couple gluten free version and all have been close to his mothers gluten recipe. This has made both of us happy!

  100. Thanks for sharing your family recipe–it looks delicious! Our fav family dessert is “Brownie Cream Pie”, made with Nestle’s Chocolate Wafer Cookies. This is the first Christmas knowing we can’t have gluten or other allergens, so we will be missing it dearly! Now my mission is to find an allergen-free chocolate wafer cookie recipe to re-invent our beloved Brownie Cream Pie…

  101. Does it count as dessert if we eat it for breakfast? I love having some type of cinnamon roll for each holiday. Pumpkin for Thanksgiving and Orange for Christmas.
    If it must be a true dessert, I am a lover of ginger cookies, not the crisp ones, the soft and chewy version.

  102. Dawn-Marie Valdron says

    Caramel Cheesecake is my favorite holiday dessert.

  103. Anna Vinal says

    I’m not a big dessert person! Although now that I can’t eat so many things I find that I want them more! My husband loves pecan pie so maybe next time I’ll try this one!

  104. We always made sugar cookies at Christmas, but every holiday came with lots of desserts. Caramel was another favorite.

  105. memories of making buckeyes (peanut butter/ chocolate) each year and giving them away as gifts.

  106. mmm, look so tasty!

  107. My favorite holiday dessert is my grandmother’s sand tart cookies. Full of gluten, granted, but a tradition.

  108. My favorite holiday nummy was baklava but I have yet to figure out how to make it gluten free. My dad makes me fudge every year with Reeses Pieces in it which I adore, but I am so gonna try to pie. Yum!

    • I work with several Turkish natives…baklava is their favorite dessert. My mouth drools everytime. Someday I will venture out on that one…


  109. Cant’t wait to try this! great holiday dessert! 🙂

  110. My Aunt used to make wonderful fruit cake cookies. When she passed away my mother and I made them together every year. I haven’t tried making them gluten free yet.

  111. My favorite dessert is definitely my mom’s fudge, but it is pretty much sugar with some butter and cocoa thrown in. 😉 Would love to re-create it healthily.

    This post is great, Sunny. The pie is divine for sure. I’m so glad that you are participating in this event, dear. 🙂


  112. I love pumpkin cheesecake with sourcream topping I only make it the day after Xmas for my bday

  113. Wow this sounds amazing… we love chocolate and pecans. This will definitely go in the must try recipe box. Thanks!

  114. wow. wow! i love it! my favorite holiday treat of gluten-filled-years-past is a dutch pastry called banket. it’s almond paste rolled up in a flaky crust. and so good. i’ve been inspired by all the home for the holiday postings to try my hand at making it (gluten-free of course) this year.

    (p.s. tom and ali’s cookbook is number one on my christmas list this year! oh i hope, i hope!)

  115. This looks great!

    My all-time favorite holiday dessert is a pumpkin roll. Light pumpkin cake, cream cheese filling, rolled like a jelly roll. Yum. Not sure it would survive a gluten-free, dairy-free makeover, but maybe I should try!

  116. My favorite holiday dessert will always come down to pumpkin pie – preferably with candied ginger!

  117. I bought a gluten-free pumpkin pie from my local gluten-free bakery, but envied my fellow Thanksgiving celebrators who were eating pecan pie — this will make THEM jealous in return!

  118. I would have to say that my favorite holiday dessert is date squares, which I haven’t had since going gluten-free approximately a little over a year ago, and actually I haven’t come across any gluten-free recipes for dates squares, but still searching.

  119. My favorite holiday dessert is my moms apple or peach pie, that without success she has been trying to make gluten free, and gingerbread anything which I can’t wait to try making.

  120. My favorite Christmas dessert is also one of my favorite year round desserts: cheesecake! It is easy to be gluten free with cheesecake: I just don’t eat the crust. One day I might try making a gluten free crust for cheesecake, but for now I am happy just eating the good part. 🙂

  121. Gluten free, vegan pumpkin pie is tied in first place with pecan pie for my favorite holiday dessert. Can’t wait to try yours!

  122. My favorite desert would probably be pecan tassies – so delicious!!

  123. Favorite is homemade apple pie from my Grandma’s recipe. Thankfully I can use Ali’s tart crust now to make it gluten free…and it has that same deliciousness!!!!

  124. For as far back as I can remember, homemade nut roll and poppy seed rolls have always stood out as family tradition, my mom would start days ahead in preparations. The last 38 years I have made them for the family and as gifts. My dad got me addicted to cheesecake early on, it was always our special treat together. 🙂 I make a mini chocolate chip cheesecake each holiday as well. Can’t wait to make this scrumptiously delish pie. 🙂

  125. That looks great! My most memorable holiday dessert includes all of the great christmas cookies my mom would make every single year!

  126. I have always loved chocolate chip cookies, and have found some good GF/Df ones. Now, this Chocolate Pecan “Tollhouse” Pie sounds delicious to me, and I can’t wait to try it! Would love to win the books also!! 😉

  127. Natalie Wahl says

    I am finally good at making GF/CF pumpkin pies. Success!!

  128. I love cheesecake at the holidays

  129. My favorite was my great-aunt’s chocolate pecan pie with whipped cream!

  130. Sounds great, can’t wait to try it!

  131. I can’t wait to make the pie for my family this weekend! In our house I make our German cheesecake at christmas only and was looking for a good gluten free crust for it. Thanks! Now if I could figure out how to make it almost sugar free.

  132. My favorite holiday dessert is the Chocolate Pecan Pie that my dad would make me every year. Since going gluten-free I haven’t had one, so this year for Thanksgiving I asked him for his recipe and made a gluten-free crust. It was so delicious and brought back some great childhood memories. I should of waited until this weekend and made it as my birthday cake instead…oh well.

  133. Growing up in the Bronx, there was a local cheesecake factory that made FABULOUS cheese cakes. There was always a line out the door to get a S & S cheesecake for Christmas. Oh how I miss those creamy, heavenly pieces of pure delight….. We are now GF & Egg Free, so cheesecake has become a thing of the past.

  134. So happy to have a choc pecan pie recipe, I ordered a GF one from a local bakery and got sick on Thanksgiving. Their definition of gluten free is slightly different than mine apparently……. Memorable, yes. but not in a good way.

  135. I’ve never made a pecan pie, but this looks pretty easy! And I think it could easily be veganized. Awesome!

  136. memorable holiday dessert: cinn. cookies – painted!

  137. sean morris says

    Favorite memory is making Saltdough ornaments with my grandma!

  138. I love brownies @ holiday time. The more decadent the better!

  139. My favorite Holiday dessert of all time has to be my grandmother’s “Japanese Fruit Cake”. I have no idea where the name came from, but it is a 4 layer cake, with alternate layers of spice and white cake, with a coconut/lemon juice filling between the layers. No one in the family can duplicate her cake, though many have tried, using her recipe. A similar cake was pictured on the cover of Southern Living Magazine last December if I remember correctly. If anyone cares to try to make such a cake gluten free, please let me know…I’m not brave enough to try!

  140. This pie recipe looks like something I can make pretty easily and look delicious! Thanks for sharing the crust recipe too, I don’t do crusts well, so I definitely want to try this one.

  141. Stephanie B says

    That pie sounds yummy and easy to make! My favourite holiday dessert is this “butterscotch pie” that my dad makes – the crust and filling have been altered to be GF/vegan because of allergies. Yum!!

  142. I have loved making chocolate turtle cheesecake. Very easy to convert to gluten-free!

  143. This pencan pie looks SO AMAZING!!! I wish I could have some right now. I’ll have to make this during our holiday celebration!

  144. My mom’s pecan pie is a treasured childhood memory.

  145. Jennifer M. says

    My most favorite treat during the holidays is Cuban Lunch. It is chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips all melted together. Than you add crushed potatoes chips and chopped peanuts. Mix and put it in those little cupcake/candy paper cups. It is so good.

  146. My favorite dessert is probably pie: pumpkin, pecan, apple cobbler…can’t wait to try this one!! Would love to win Free for All Cooking or Carol Fenster’s 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes! 🙂

  147. One of my favorite memories is making and eating pecan tassies. This dessert reminds me of them I may not wait til Christmas. I think I’ll fix it tommorrow. Merry Christmas

  148. Now following you on twitter. Trying to on facebook but fb is malfunctioning

  149. My favorite holiday ‘dessert’ memory is the red waldorf cake my Aunt Betty used to make every Christmas. It was my cousin’s and my absolute favorite. I along with both our daughter’s are GF/CF so I’ll be tinkering with a special version of it this year. Will try your pie, too 🙂

  150. My favorite memory is baking oatmeal raisin cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.

  151. sweet potato pie made from fresh sweet potatoes has got to be my favorite!

  152. This sounds delightful! A big chocolate chip cookie pie. Yum.

  153. My all-time favorite FOOD is pumpkin pie! (Also wonderful chilled in the summertime – it doesn’t have to be limited to Autumn!) So much so that every year we would hold an entire party in honor of the pumpkin – complete with pumpkin cooking contests! A great lead-in to Thanksgiving and Christmas baking ideas. My latest pumpkin love, however is a hot pumpkin chai. Simply mix some pumpkin puree in with your warm, steamy, whipped-cream-topped chai latte and Ummmmmm! Veggies in your drink! So it’s a health food, right?…. Right? 🙂

  154. Amy Whitehurst says

    This looks fabulous! My most memorable dessert was a Nutella Swirl Cheesecake I invented before I went GF. It shouldn’t be hard to convert it, I just haven’t yet.

    Thanks for the giveaways! I have the Whole Life Nutrition cookbook and there is a GREAT Gingerbread cake with Maple Cashew sauce. The sauce is seriously awesome!

  155. I’m definately a cheesecake fanatic!

  156. This looks delicious! My favourite holiday treats are pepper nuts! Or Pfeffernüsse… my mom would make them with peppermint flavoring… yum!

  157. One of my favorites is my date bars. I have not tried making them since going gf but I am going to try this year.

  158. My most memorable holiday dessert is gingerbread. We always made a big gingerbread house and cookies from the scraps.

  159. My favorite dessert is my Mom’s mandel bread. They are the best and no one can make the recipe to come out as good as she can.

  160. Looks yummy!

  161. My favorite holiday dessert is by FAR Elana’s Chocolate Cream Pie! Yummmm!

  162. Christine Roeske says

    My favorite dessert and memorable, too, is my mother’s mint chocolate refrigerator bars – they have coconut in them, too! SOOOOO good!

  163. My favourite holiday dessert is probably my moms sugar cookies…I will have to find a way of adapting them for my intolerances, but I don’t think anything will top them for me just yet! (A very close second is pumpkin pie). Thanks for posting participating in this event!

  164. This looks delicious. And so deceptively simple!

  165. This pie looks really good. I like anything with chocolate in it especially chocolate chip cookies. My favorite pie is Pumpkin. I’m about to make my 4th one this season.

  166. Wow. I love this. Like really love it. 🙂 I’m afraid to make it because I’ll have like 3 slices without stopping. LOL

  167. Carole Hegg says


  168. mmmmmm…chocolate pie! I’ll definitely have to try this. My favorite holiday dessert is the trifle my mom always makes at Christmas. It’s a chocolate cake, vanilla pudding and fruit trifle, so yummy. Haven’t made it since going GF but since I seem to be doing OK with dairy maybe I’ll give it a whirl this year!

  169. MY favorite holiday dessert (pre guten-free) was oreo truffles made of crushed oreos and cream cheese, coated in chocolate. yummmm.

  170. My favorite Christmas dessert is my mom’s fudge! She makes it every year and my sister and I always look forward to it!

  171. I’ve been hoping for a great pecan pie recipe for Christmas. Thank you!

  172. My Paleo cinnamon muffins are my go to dessert to bring to any holiday!

  173. Becky Carlson says

    My mom always made Toll House Pie too! Looking forward to trying this version on my family.

  174. That looks delish!

    My favorite holiday dessert is my vegan sugar cookies! All my non-vegan family and friends love them too! And I love decorating them. 🙂

  175. My brothers pumpkin cheesecake.. wish he was still here to make it for us!

  176. I have two favorite holiday desserts: my mom’s gingerbread cookie recipe and my dad’s peanut butter- butterscotch fudge. The first one would be very easy to convert to gluten free, dairy free. The second one I haven’t been able to figure out yet.

  177. Grateful for your GF pecan pie recipe, Sunny. My mom makes an amazing sour orange merengue pie for the holidays. Sour oranges grow wild where we live in the Sonoran desert!

  178. Love pecan pie, this one looks even better! Thanks for sharing!

  179. Looks delicious.I must try this.

  180. Pumpkin pie is my favorite. But that chocolate pecan looks great!

  181. Plum pudding with sauce, which my mother lovingly converted the old family recipe to gluten free is my favourite holiday recipe.

  182. My favorite holiday dessert is definitely my grandmothers cherry trifle!!! It has never been turned down by anyone who has ever tasted it. Simply amazing!

  183. Thanks Sunny for adapting another delicious pie! My top favorite desserts all have pecans! Pecan pie, pecan bars, pecan shortbread cookies and carrot cake with pecans instead of walnuts. Since, you like challenges, how about adapting “Not Yo Mama’s Banana Pudding” which Paula Dean shared on her show years ago into a gluten and dairy free dessert! It was always a hit at whatever event that I took it to.

  184. This is our first year gluten free, however I made the Vanilla Bean Cheesecake by Roost Blog for Thanksgiving and have not been able to get it out of my mind. This one looks great too though!

  185. My most favourite and memorable desert was Sticky Toffee Pudding. We were all blown away by how amazingly wonderful and gooeylicious it was. This was before I was gluten free. I haven’t tried a GF version of it yet but I will have to soon, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  186. Sharon Baridon says

    The Holidays aren’t complete without a Pecan Pie, and this sounds beyond yummy!!! Thank you!

  187. I love making cookies with my mom, especially chocolate “cigars”. This will be my first gluten free, dairy free and egg free Christmas, so I will certainly miss them!

  188. My favorite all-time dessert for the holidays is peanut butter fudge!

  189. Just starting gluten free so I am looking for some great recipes.

  190. ooooh, pecan pie has always been a favorite of mine! I will definitely be trying this! As for my holiday favorite, I love my mom’s date nut bread. I am still trying to recreate…

  191. My favorite holiday dessert has always been decorated sugar cookies, I’m looking forward to doing it the paleo way this year!

  192. My favorite dessert is sugar cookies. Love to make and decorate them.


  1. […] you want more holiday recipes, try Sunny from “And Love it Too!” and her Chocolate Pecan Toll House Pie that she posted yesterday. Chocolate Pecan pie?! If I replace the shortening with palm shortening, […]

  2. […] Vegan Gluten-free Quinoa Peanut Butter Monster Cookies Gluten-free Nutmeg Shortbread Flat Cookies Grain-free Low-processed sugar Chocolate Pecan tollhouse PIE recipe (ok, inspired by a cookie!) Healthy Gluten-free Gingerbread Cut Out Cookie […]

  3. […] Friday, 12/2–Sunny Busby | And Love it, Too! | Grain Free, Dairy Free Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie […]

  4. […] Thursday, 12/1–Ali Segersten at The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen Friday, 12/2–Sunny Busby at And Love it, Too! Saturday, 12/3–Stacy Toth at Paleo Parents Sunday, 12/4–Maggie Savage at She Let Them Eat Cake […]

  5. […] And for dessert, hours later, we’d have to try Sunny’s Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie. […]

  6. […] Click here for Sunny’s Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie recipe over at And Love It… […]

  7. […] ~ Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie from And Love It, Too! […]

  8. […] Home for the Holidays, Gluten-Free Style: Chocolate … – You are here: Home / Gluten Free / Home for the Holidays, Gluten-Free Style: Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Grain-Free) […]

  9. […] ~ Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie from And Love It, Too! […]

  10. […] really well for Spring and Easter are Vegan Carrot Cake Coconut Macaroons with Maple Cream Glaze, Chocolate Pecan “Toll House” Pie, and Coconut Flour Country […]

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