Creamy Pumpkin Fruit Dip

With less than a week before All Hallows’ Eve, stores are brimming with orange globes waiting to be carved into some magical piece of artistry. When it comes to pumpkins though, why limit yourself to the simple orange, jack-o-lantern variety? Beautiful yellows, greens and white await. And not only are these lovely additions perfect for […]

Guest Post for Dixie Chik Cooks…Sugar-Free Raw Vegan Pumpkin Pie in a Jar

When my friend Shea asked if I would be interested in doing a guest-post on her site, I was extremely honored and a bit intimidated. Anyone who followed our Ingredient Challenge Monday posts knows that, because of medical reasons, I live a gluten-free and dairy-free lifestyle, and Shea does not. So how am I to […]

Twice Baked, Vegan Garlic Mashed Paleo ‘Potatoes’ (Mashed Cauliflower)

This week’s Food Network Fall Fest brought an interesting challenge to my table. You see, I recently made the decision to transition into a more Paleo lifestyle. As you know, I have been gluten-free and dairy-free for a while.  If you follow my baking posts, you know that grain-free flours are my preference;  and I […]

Bacon-Infused Wilted Spinach (Vegan Alternative Noted)

Do you ever find yourself competing against people who have no idea that you are competing against them? I do. Take my brother for example…the man always had better grades than I did in school. He is two years older than me, and every school year began with the words “Oh, you’re Jared’s sister? I’m […]

Fried Apples (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Vegan)

It has been three weeks since my last post.  In that time, I have changed servers (which put my site down for 10 days), gotten neck deep into my new position at school and have flat-out been exhausted. Even so, I don’t like being away for so long. Thank you for being patient and sticking with […]

Blogiversary Celebration, Vegan ‘Samoa’ Cake and Giveaway Winner!

One year ago today, I revealed my dedicated domain:; and life has been nothing short of a roller coaster since. In the year since the inception of this little blog, a lot has happened. Over the last year my food, and thereby my recipes, have gone from being simply gluten-free and cow’s-milk-free; to where […]

Healthy Lunchbox Round-Up

Two months ago, as I began to prepare for the up and coming school year, I had an idea. Every year the struggle to fill my children’s lunchboxes with healthy foods that they will enjoy seems to become a little more complicated. This year, my youngest is in kindergarten.  Couple that with a promotion that […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post — Ricki Heller @ Diet Dessert and Dogs

Have you met my friend Ricki Heller?  In addition to being the author of Diet Dessert and Dogs, Ricki is also a full-time professor, a bestselling author, an amazing cook and a lot of fun to chat with!   Today, Ricki is a guest-blogger on my page; what a great honor!   When discussing the […]

Healthy Lunchbox–Garlic Tomato Basil & Pesto Bruchetta (Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

When preparing school lunches for children with allergies or food sensitivities, most moms (myself included) stay focused on keeping the food we send with our children as “normal” looking as possible. There are times though, where sending our kids with something ‘outside of the box’ is just what they need. I shared my recipe for […]

Healthy Lunchbox Guest Post– Heather @ Gluten Free Cat

This special Friday edition of my ‘Healthy Lunchbox’ series comes from a fellow educator, gluten-free blogger, foodie and friend.  Heather from Gluten Free Cat offers her teacher perspective, revealing what is in the typical school-lunch and shares her frustration with how this impacts her students (and thereby, her class).  Please enjoy this simply beautiful post […]