Living with Celiac

Three years ago this month began a journey that would lead me to you. You see, this journey is the very reason why I am here today.  It is the reason why I eat the way I do, why I live the way I do, why I write the way I do… And if those […]

Unsweetened Vegan Coconut Milk Crockpot Yogurt

When my daughter was diagnosed with a milk allergy at just 17 months old, I could have never imagined where our food journey was about to take us. It was just two years prior to that when I learned of my son’s shellfish allergy. Because my son is severely allergic to shellfish, exposure giving him […]

Fruit-Sweetened Grain-Free Vegan Cobbler

“How do you make cobbler without flour?” (With a smile on my face) “I have my ways.” Thus began the workroom discussion of how someone like me can still enjoy foods like the rest of you. Okay maybe not the rest of you, because there is a strong chance that if you are viewing this […]

No-Bake Vegan Candybar Brownies (Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Refined Sugar-Free, Raw alternative noted)

Let me start by saying Pinterest is a dangerous site. Very dangerous. In addition to losing unimaginable amounts of time, Pinterest can motivate you to do things you might not have done before. Sometimes this is a good thing. Sometimes this is not. These no-bake, refined sugar-free vegan candy bar brownies are the result of […]

Ingredient-Challenge Monday: Pineapple Bacon Bites

Welcome to the April Ingredient-Challenge Monday! As announced yesterday, this month we feature the mouth-watering pineapple as our challenge ingredient. In spite of its natural sweetness, pineapples are not only low in calories (82 calories per cup of pineapple chunks), they are also a good source of fiber, Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron and Vitamin C.  […]

ICM Challenge Winner: Tessa the Domestic Diva Sauteed Kale w/Carmelized Onions; Well Fed Winner and April ICM Ingredient Announcement (in otherwords: a must-read post)

Can you believe tomorrow is the second Monday of April? Do you know what that means? That means tomorrow is Ingredient Challenge Monday (ICM)!! 🙂 Yay! Last month we featured healthy Kale, such a diverse and delicious vegetable, it was difficult to select a winner from the entries we received. And while every entry was […]

Spinach, Kale and Dandelion Green Salad with Blood Oranges, Candied Pecans and Blood Orange Vinaigrette

Spring is beautifully upon us.  Flowers are blooming, birds are singing.  Children are ready to shed their winter gloom to get outside and play. Then there is the yard.  Lawns need to be mowed, weeds need to be pulled. Or do they? One advantage to living in a drought ridden area is the fact that […]

Grain-Free Vegan Candy Creme Eggs

🙂 If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, or even if you stopped by to visit my recent review of Well Fed (don’t forget to enter the giveaway while you are there!) you have heard me talk about my final plunge into the Paleo world. While most of the recipes I have shared here […]

Well Fed Review, Country Captain Chicken and a Giveaway!

A   couple of weeks ago I decided to float around in the “Your Recommendations” section of Amazon. Amid the number of books Amazon thought I might be interested in was one that, while it had been floating around on my list for a while, I had never really taken the time to dig deeper into. […]

Eat Like a Dinosaur Winner!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment or share your wonderful recipes on this month’s Ingredient Challenge Monday’s challenge/giveaway post! While the special ICM featured recipe will not be shared until this weekend, I wanted to take a moment and announce the winner of the Paleo Parents wonderful cookbook, Eat Like a […]