Vegan Ratatouille With a Twist and Braised Orange Roughy with Fennel, Ingredient-Challenge Monday

A few weeks ago, I became overwhelmed with the need to add fresh fennel to our menu.  I suggested this as an Ingredient for our Ingredient-Challenge Monday group, and while it took a couple of weeks to get everyone on board, I am so excited to have fennel as our featured ingredient today! So excited, […]

Vegan Tofu Mint Chocolate Mousse, Ingredient-Challenge Monday

When it was decided that this week’s Ingredient-Challenge Monday would feature tofu as the secret ingredient, I must admit I was a bit hesitant.  Don’t get me wrong, I have eaten tofu many times in the past.  I have had it fried, enjoyed it in soup, used it in smoothies, etc… I have no doubt […]

Chinese Orange Sauce (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Soy Free Option Noted)

When I was diagnosed with Celiac, one of my first cravings had to be one that is typically loaded with gluten or MSG (my body reacts the same way to both ingredients): Chinese Food.  The one soy product I occasionally include in our diet is soy sauce…unfortunately, soy sauce traditionally includes wheat. I was pleased […]

Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, Corn Free)

Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Corn Free) When my Ingredient-Challenge Monday Girls came to the decision that we should do a “something red” special for Valentine’s Day, my mind immediately ran to favorite ingredients like strawberries, raspberries, even cherries.  Then, I went shopping with my husband…my gluten loving, dairy […]

Vegan Pesto Quinoa “Couscous” Ingredient-Challenge Monday (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Soy Free)

 Couscous is one of those side dishes that goes beautifully with most any meal.  It absorbs whatever flavor you chose to pair it with and the tiny granules present beautifully as a side dish or part of a salad.  Unfortunately, traditional couscous is made from wheat.  Wheat is a key producer of gluten.  I cannot […]

Vegan Basil Pesto with Kale

There are few things in life better than a fresh bowl of pasta swirled with rich, creamy pesto.  The beautiful green hue, tender chunks of ground pine nuts, hints of basil and garlic blended with creamy parmesan; simply blissful. Recently, when faced with exquisite bundles of basil permeating my kitchen, I knew there must be […]

Rainbow Smoothie

I haven’t done a blog in over a week.  After the busy holiday schedule where I was posting 2-3 times a week, this seems like a big lull.  Having lost my grandfather the night of my last post, frankly, I just wasn’t up for another post last week.  The service was beautiful and it was […]

Ingredient-Challenge Monday, Vegan Garlic Kale Chips

I love leafy greens.  Seriously.  Spinach, Mustard, Turnip, Kale…love love love!  My garden was loaded with greens this year and my only wish is that we had more to enjoy!  It surprises and somewhat saddens me that many people look at greens and freeze up; clueless as to how to add these striking gems to […]

Fruit Sweetened Jalapeño Pomegranate Jam — Ingredient Challenge Monday (One Day Late)

I mentioned before that I am a bit of a cookbook addict.  You know, I have come to realize I am a bit of a blogging addict as well.  Not just my own blog, but others too!  I often derive ideas for my gluten free and dairy free recipes from other non-gluten free or dairy […]

Vegan Salted Cayenne Dark Chocolate Almond Fudge (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free)

Gourmet chocolates have brought us all kinds of zany combinations.  Chocolate covered fruit, gummy bears, peppermint sticks or even biscotti…each and every combination has its own unique taste and texture, each just as exquisite as the next.  Nearly two years ago I had my first taste of pepper infused chocolate with a hint of sea […]