Cherry Pecan Chicken Salad

This week, Food Network Summer Fest has challenged participating bloggers to work with the wonderfully sweet, perfectly in season: cherry. I am blessed to be able to share two recipes this week…the first can be found on my other website: Ingredient Challenge Monday (trust me, you WANT to check this one out). Because it is […]

Ingredient-Challenge Recipe: Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a soup best served cold. In this nation-wide heat wave, this soup is a welcome change from the norm. When Shea and I agreed to use bell peppers as this week’s challenge ingredient, there were a number of recipes that came to mind. And while I hope to share my favorite grain-free stuffed […]

Pan Seared Salmon with Fresh Peach Salsa

Summer Fest is off to a great start with some amazingly beautiful Grilled Eggplant Recipes.  While I unfortunately was not able to join in on the eggplant challenge, I am happy to be able to jump on board with the next seasonal item of choice: Peaches!   Succulent and sweet, peaches are favored in desserts, […]

Zucchini Lasagna (GF/CF, Grain-Free, Soy-Free, Vegan Option Noted)

I am blessed.  Truly, completely blessed.  My home is filled with amazing children who make me laugh and fill my world with reasons to celebrate every day.  I have a husband who works hard for us and would do anything he could to give his family all they need. In my home, I also have […]

Italian Seasoned Almond Ricotta Cheeze (Vegan)

Several months ago, I posted a very flavorful recipe for Seasoned Almond Ricotta Cheeze which was inspired by Heidi from Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom and Carrie from Ginger Lemon Girl.  This cheeze is still a favorite in my household, although I have taken time to tweak and refine this recipe to match a number […]

Ahi Poke (Gluten Free, Dairy Free), Ingredient-Challenge Monday

Ahi Tuna.  While this ingredient is definitely a different approach to our Ingredient-Challenge Mondays (which generally uses a fruit or vegetable as the central focus of our challenges), Shea and I felt this highly nutritious food fit well into the ultimate goal of our challenge group: to bring variety to our table while increasing the […]

Vegan Jalapeno-Rhubarb Chutney, Ingredient-Challenge Monday

What an amazing weekend this was!  Not only did we enjoy a fabulous Easter filled with great friends and fantastic gluten-free and dairy-free food; I was fortunate to review the amazing Elana Amsterdam’s new cookbook (pre-release!) and announced our new website, which is dedicated to our bi-weekly challenges.    Beyond having a centralized location where […]

Elana Amsterdam’s New Cookbook: Gluten-Free Cupcakes

When Elana Amsterdam recently asked if I would like to review a copy of her new cookbook, Gluten-Free Cupcakes: 50 Irresistible Recipes Made with Almond and Coconut Flour, I felt extremely honored and a tad bit flabbergasted…a bit like Porky Pig; tripping over my tongue in attempt to utter a simple phrase.  Thankfully, we were […]

Japan, Autism, and Don’t Forget Your Breakfast! Cookie Bars

As I take a moment to watch my family, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. We have our challenges; learning disabilities, a history of physical impairments (all of which have either been repaired or are treatable in nature), and obvious food challenges…but all in all, I am amazingly blessed.  Every day I awake […]

Irish Beef Stew

So many great things happened this week. I planted my garden, taught my kids the basics of transplanting plants, held a brief phone conference with the college where I will be teaching children’s cooking and adult gourmet classes this summer, and began diligently working towards something that will bring my blog to the next level.  🙂 […]