Killing the kid, 1in133 and ICM challenge ingredient.

This week, I nearly killed my son.  No, I am not speaking in that figuratively frustrated parental tone…quite literally, I nearly killed my son. I would never intentionally hurt any of my children, and most would say I am an aware parent who would do anything she could for her children.  And then, I nearly […]

Japan, Autism, and Don’t Forget Your Breakfast! Cookie Bars

As I take a moment to watch my family, I am overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. We have our challenges; learning disabilities, a history of physical impairments (all of which have either been repaired or are treatable in nature), and obvious food challenges…but all in all, I am amazingly blessed.  Every day I awake […]

Offering My Award Winning Chocolate Chip Cookies in the Bake Sale for Japan

The past two weeks have posed a difficult challenge for many bloggers. How can we be expected to share our celebrations or post recipes that reflect the splendor which fills our table, when so many people are suffering such great pain just an ocean away? Tonight, I will not be sharing a recipe with you. […]

Irish Beef Stew

So many great things happened this week. I planted my garden, taught my kids the basics of transplanting plants, held a brief phone conference with the college where I will be teaching children’s cooking and adult gourmet classes this summer, and began diligently working towards something that will bring my blog to the next level.  🙂 […]

Vegan Ratatouille With a Twist and Braised Orange Roughy with Fennel, Ingredient-Challenge Monday

A few weeks ago, I became overwhelmed with the need to add fresh fennel to our menu.  I suggested this as an Ingredient for our Ingredient-Challenge Monday group, and while it took a couple of weeks to get everyone on board, I am so excited to have fennel as our featured ingredient today! So excited, […]

Vegan Tofu Mint Chocolate Mousse, Ingredient-Challenge Monday

When it was decided that this week’s Ingredient-Challenge Monday would feature tofu as the secret ingredient, I must admit I was a bit hesitant.  Don’t get me wrong, I have eaten tofu many times in the past.  I have had it fried, enjoyed it in soup, used it in smoothies, etc… I have no doubt […]

Chinese Orange Sauce (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Soy Free Option Noted)

When I was diagnosed with Celiac, one of my first cravings had to be one that is typically loaded with gluten or MSG (my body reacts the same way to both ingredients): Chinese Food.  The one soy product I occasionally include in our diet is soy sauce…unfortunately, soy sauce traditionally includes wheat. I was pleased […]

Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, Corn Free)

Ingredient-Challenge Monday Vegan Red Velvet Whoopie Pie (Gluten Free, Diary Free, Corn Free) When my Ingredient-Challenge Monday Girls came to the decision that we should do a “something red” special for Valentine’s Day, my mind immediately ran to favorite ingredients like strawberries, raspberries, even cherries.  Then, I went shopping with my husband…my gluten loving, dairy […]

Sausage Cheeze Balls (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Casein Free)

As my family sits and anxiously awaits our guests for tonight’s big football event, I thought I would share a recipe which has quickly become a favorite for parties, bridal showers, baby showers and just because.  Inspired by the classic Betty Crocker recipe for Sausage Cheese balls; using the new Gluten Free Bisquick and our […]

Ingredient-Challenge Monday, Spiced Date Bars

First, my apologies for not getting the announcement regarding our Ingredient-Challenge Monday out this past weekend, second, I apologize for the overall delay in today’s post (I would have liked to have had this up hours ago!)…that being said, I am happy to be able to share this Ingredient-Challenge Monday inspired recipe with you today.  […]