A few weeks ago, I became overwhelmed with the need to add fresh fennel to our menu. I suggested this as an Ingredient for our Ingredient-Challenge Monday group, and while it took a couple of weeks to get everyone on board, I am so excited to have fennel as our featured ingredient today! So excited, […]
Vegan Ratatouille With a Twist and Braised Orange Roughy with Fennel, Ingredient-Challenge Monday
Chinese Orange Sauce (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, Soy Free Option Noted)
When I was diagnosed with Celiac, one of my first cravings had to be one that is typically loaded with gluten or MSG (my body reacts the same way to both ingredients): Chinese Food. The one soy product I occasionally include in our diet is soy sauce…unfortunately, soy sauce traditionally includes wheat. I was pleased […]
Hearty Vegetable Beef Soup (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegan Option Noted)
This time of the year I find myself turning to soup for various reasons. Soup warms from the inside out. Soup makes me feel better when the sniffles are too much. Soup is very filling for relatively few calories. Soup is quick. Soup is a great way to get my children (and husband) to eat […]
Vegan Basil Pesto with Kale
There are few things in life better than a fresh bowl of pasta swirled with rich, creamy pesto. The beautiful green hue, tender chunks of ground pine nuts, hints of basil and garlic blended with creamy parmesan; simply blissful. Recently, when faced with exquisite bundles of basil permeating my kitchen, I knew there must be […]
Happy New Year, Top 5 Recipe’s of 2010 and Ingredient Challenge Monday! (Whew that’s a post!)
It’s hard to believe that today is the very last day of 2010. So many blessings have come my way this year. I married the love of my life this year. Our blended family has fused so beautifully that even my oldest daughter says “mommy, it feels as if you have always been my mommy,” […]
Butternut Squash and Pear Soup, Share Our Holiday Table
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you have likely noted the number of times I have mentioned Share Our Holiday Table this week. To clarify, Share Our Holiday Table is a virtual, progressive fund-raising dinner being hosted by Share Our Strength in effort to raise awareness about childhood hunger. As a mother, ensuring […]
Fried Rice (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Casein Free)
As much as I love turkey, even I grow tired of the same ole same ole following several days worth of leftovers. Sure, potpie, hot open-faced sandwiches or even cold turkey sandwiches are all great…but what if I just really don’t want another obviously turkey dish? In steps my favorite left-over solution. Fried rice. 🙂 […]