Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa

My long-time readers have seen me, and thereby this website, through a number of new eating adventures…new diagnosis and many trial and errors.

As you know, I have celiac. Two of my 5 children show signs of gluten-intolerance but have not tested positive for celiac. Still, maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle has benefited them greatly.

Even with this though, my second youngest daughter has continued to battle severe digestive issues, repeat UTI’s and Kidney Infections.

Specialist after specialist could offer little more than “let’s try this laxative and see if it helps,” or “yes, her diet seems to be helping…keep her on that.”

Hundreds upon thousands of dollars through the years with little to no help.

Most of her progression has been due to mommy’s self-discovery and home remedies.

I know you’ve been there, too. Many of you are probably going through this right now.

Still, her prognosis continued until one night she made an outcry.

“Mommy, I just can’t go poop.”

Her honesty and straight-forwardness made me want to cry.

There is nothing doctors can find that is physically wrong with my daughter. Save the scar tissue which has formed on her kidneys due to repeat infections, my daughter is fine. Despite years upon years of constipation and distended intestines, physically she is fine.

But something is wrong. Something outside of my reach…something I had never dealt with…

Something I had heard about but many practitioners told me there was no chance she could be infected.

Until one day I finally had it up to ‘here’ with traditional medicine and finally wised up enough to take her to a local holistic practitioner.

This blessed woman was so intuitive that with little more than “she says she can’t poop,” from me…she was able to pinpoint everything from a banged up knee (my daughter was wearing pants that day, her knees were well covered) to the kidney reflux she had suffered in early childhood.

Then she asked “has anyone ever tested her for candida?” And my heart stopped.

Not because I was afraid, but because I was relieved.

Finally, a question that made sense.

Doctor after doctor had refused to even explore candida overgrowth as a plausible reason behind my daughter’s continued medical issues. Yet here we were, with a holistic practitioner who had only known my daughter for a few minutes and she made the suggestion.

We were able to test my daughter that day and the results of her tests were astounding.

Very rarely does one so little have such an overgrowth of yeast.

Because of summer visitation schedules, because she was not going to be with me for the entire month of June, I knew we could not start her on the extensive dietary restrictions that would be required to help her heal right away.  So we agreed to focus on getting her magnesium and b-vitamin levels up and to follow up in July to determine the path that we needed to take from there.

So I engulfed myself in information regarding candida.  My husband and I invested in books, seminars and dietician lead candida-elimination courses.

By gaining a firmer understanding of the symptoms associated with candida I have come to understand that candida has also been at the heart of many of my continued health issues as well.

Migraines, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, thyroid and adrenal concerns that my doctors just couldn’t pin-point the root cause of…all point back to candida.

A few simple tests have confirmed this…and now I am on a path to heal not only my daughter, but also myself.

After engulfing myself in to what it takes to heal candida overgrowth, our practitioner and I have determined that our best mode of elimination will be a Paleolithic approach to the Candida Elimination Diet coupled with an essential oil and high-quality supplement protocol to rid our bodies of worms, parasites and candida.

With sufficient interest, to make this experience as streamlined and efficient as possible I am looking to open a support group to anyone interested in resetting their system and getting started on a better path to wellness.  I will be hosting regular seminars on treating candida overgrowth using this protocol as the basis. For a small investment, this group would also include a meal calendar, recipes, and access to the same essential oil and high-quality suppliment protocol we are using.

If you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. In the meantime, I hope to continue to bring you delicious recipes…now with the added benefit of being candida friendly!

While these delightful Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wraps will be up later this week, I wanted to be sure to share with you this delectable salsa that put my wraps over-the-top with deliciousness!

Candida Friendly Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wraps

Because tomatoes are not part of our initial elimination protocol, I needed an alternative solution to have a condiment that was safe for us but equally delicious.

If you are looking for something that would suit an autoimmune protocol, simply replace the cayenne with black pepper and eliminate the jalapeño completely. Still a very delicious salsa, even without those ingredients included!

Whether you are on the same path of candida elimination or simply looking for a refreshing alternative to the traditional salsa of the past, I hope you find many reasons to enjoy this recipe time and time again!



Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa (Paleo, Vegan, Autoimmune)


  • 1 large cucumber, diced
  • 1 small onion, diced (about ¼ c)
  • ½ bunch of cilantro, chopped
  • 1 jalapeño, diced*
  • Juice of ½ lime, freshly squeezed
  • Dash of Cayenne Pepper*
  • Salt to taste


  1. In medium bowl, mix together diced cucumber, onion, jalapeño and chopped cilantro. Add in lime juice and dash of cayenne, mix in salt to taste.
  2. Serve cold.
  3. Makes approximately 4 servings
  4. *To make this salsa safe for the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, simply eliminate the jalapeño and cayenne. Add in black pepper to taste. Enjoy!



  1. WHAT A RELIEF FOR YOU TO FINALLY HAVE A PLAUSIBLE ANSWER!! You’re right, so many people are probably going through very similar situations…the Western medicine drs have just not been trained to deal the assortment of issues people with food issues are facing. Unless there is a black and white test for them to perform, they are fish out of water. And as a parent, it’s maddening to play doctor and have those around you roll there eyes and doubt you every step of the way. But you know. You KNOW something just isn’t right. SOMEthing is wrong, something IS off. I am so happy for you Sunny to have somewhere to go with this, can’t wait to hear abut your progress! I am finally willing to buck up and just pay to go see a holistic practitioner….3 years and no complete healing, so enough already!

    • 3 years is too long, for sure! It’s been 8 years since her first UTI…the poor baby is only 9! We’ve fought this battle far too long and I am thrilled to know she is already improving, without the aid of synthetic medicines or Western Medicine. Thank you for your support, Tessa! xoxo

  2. Sunny, this is a brilliant recipe! I’d love it on its own merit alone, but it’s great that it’s also ACD friendly. 🙂 I’m convinced that candida is still causing me some issues, but have never been tested for it per se. When I first went gluten free, I was also grain free, sugar free, and much more including eating ACD (I was also on Diflucan for an extended period of time and am not taking anti-yeast probiotics). But the much stricter diet was 10 years ago. I’m interested in what you will be offering and, of course, so happy that your daughter is now on the right track!


    • 🙂 I will keep you posted as we get closer to forming a group, Shirley. The side effects in synthetic medicines have proven to be too much for our family to handle. I’ve been slowly working towards more holistic treatments over the last couple of years and now that we have gotten my husband off of his prescription medications, my whole family is truly benefiting from eating whole foods and using essential oils. Any synthetic medication taken over an extended period of time can take a toll on our body…for me, it was the year of steroids prescribed to supposedly help my intestines heal from years of undiagnosed celiac disease. Unfortunately, in hind sight, the medications likely did more harm than good.

      It’s been quite the journey to get here, but I am excited at the progress we have already seen. Thank you for your support and being my cheerleader all long the way. xoxo

  3. This looks great! It is so hot here in Japan that I’m downing at least one cucumber a day. This looks like an even more delicious vehicle.

    In regards to candida, have you heard anything about a low FODMAP diet helping with candida overgrowth? I recently realized I have oral thrush, and I’m a bit reluctant to give up coconut, avocado, onions & cabbage, but I’m going to experiment and see if it helps!



  1. […] On Wednesday I revealed that my daughter and I have both tested positive for an overgrowth of candida. […]

  2. […] I shared last week, it took the intuitiveness of a holistic healer to hone in and discover what seems to be the root […]

  3. […] Just a couple of weeks ago, I shared how it took the insight and instinct of a holistic practitioner to narrow in and determine what seems to truly be the root cause of her bowel issues. […]

  4. […] Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa – … – Sunny, this is a brilliant recipe! I’d love it on its own merit alone, but it’s great that it’s also ACD friendly. I’m convinced that candida is … […]

  5. […] Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa – … – Sunny, this is a brilliant recipe! I’d love it on its own merit alone, but it’s great that it’s also ACD friendly. I’m convinced that candida is … […]

  6. […] Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa – And … – Ingredients. 1 large cucumber, diced 1 small onion, diced (about ¼ c) ½ bunch of cilantro, chopped 1 jalapeño, diced* Juice of ½ lime, freshly squeezed […]

  7. […] Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa – And … – Sunny, this is a brilliant recipe! I’d love it on its own merit alone, but it’s great that it’s also ACD friendly. I’m convinced that candida is … […]

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