Easy Peasy Healing Bone Broth

If you do a general search on the healing powers of bone broth, you will come up with more than 50,000 articles, blog posts and references with why you should incorporate this amazingly simple remedy into your diet. Known especially for its power to heal the gut, bone broth is something I managed to add […]

Mahi Mahi Lettuce Wraps (ACD, Candida Friendly, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Whole30, Autoimmune Alternative Listed)

On Wednesday I revealed that my daughter and I have both tested positive for an overgrowth of candida. While this diagnosis has brought relief and a solid explanation behind her life-long constipation, digestive and kidney issues; as well as understanding and a root cause behind my own thyroid, fatigue, weight gain, adrenal, migraine issues and […]

Candida Friendly Cucumber Salsa

My long-time readers have seen me, and thereby this website, through a number of new eating adventures…new diagnosis and many trial and errors. As you know, I have celiac. Two of my 5 children show signs of gluten-intolerance but have not tested positive for celiac. Still, maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle has benefited them greatly. Even […]