Easy Peasy Healing Bone Broth

If you do a general search on the healing powers of bone broth, you will come up with more than 50,000 articles, blog posts and references with why you should incorporate this amazingly simple remedy into your diet.


Known especially for its power to heal the gut, bone broth is something I managed to add to my diet shortly after being diagnosed with celiac.

Now it’s time to focus heavily on my daughter’s gut. 

At a mere 9 years old, my child has spent a lifetime in and out of the doctors, cooped up in a hospital, x-rayed, sonogramed, poked and prodded…all trying to figure out the reason behind her digestive issues.

As I shared last week, it took the intuitiveness of a holistic healer to hone in and discover what seems to be the root cause of every ailment my child has suffered.

Candida has plagued her little body to the point that she tested off-the-charts for candida overgrowth.  

Funny thing is, since her diagnosis, I too have tested positive for candida overgrowth, explaining thyroid, adrenal, weight and other symptoms that never really had a medical explanation but no matter what I did, wouldn’t seem to go away.

Everything from Fibromyalgia to ADD can be linked to yeast overgrowth.

According to Dr. Rona and The Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook, as many as 90 percent of Americans and Canadians are affected by candida overgrowth.

Before I get too far into this, let’s just say that whether you have candida or not, bone broth is bound to help you along the way!

The best part?

It’s soooooooo easy to make!

When my daughter and I sit to enjoy a piping hot cupful of this wonderous liquid, we add in some garlic, chives and just enough salt for our taste…she loves this and, in lieu of fruit, candy or any other treat she may have had previously, she considers her piping hot bone broth a treat!

But because this broth is just as likely to become part of any number of soup recipes, part of a roast or even mashed cauliflower, I choose to not season my broth before it has reached its final destination.

Bones can also be raw or the leftovers from the prime rib, chicken or lamb you had last night.

The most important thing to remember, as when purchasing meat, the better life the animal lived, the higher-quality the meat they make and the better their bones are…down to their nutritional profile.

If you want to get the most out of your broth, make sure you are using the best bones you can afford! Better yet, purchase high-quality meat with bones in it.  That way the bones, the fat and any meat leftover for your broth are simply a part of the meal you were eating…saving you TONS of money in the long-run!

No more $4.00 broth for me…nope, ours only costs pennies to make, and that includes the jars and lids we use!

Upcycle baby, upcycle.

This method works for any type of broth.  As long as the bones fit in the crock, you can make broth!

Whether you freeze or can for long-term storage, I strongly recommend putting your cleaned and sanitized mason jars to use for this recipe!



Easy Peasy Healing Bone Broth


  • Bones from any grass-fed or free-roaming animal (ie the carcass of a chicken or turkey, soup bones or a portion of a leg/arm bone, even the leftover bones from the prime rib of grass-fed cattle, the bone from your leg of lamb, etc…)
  • 2 Carrots, washed
  • 3 Celery Stalks, cleaned and leaves in tact
  • Filtered Water
  • 6-quart crockpot (smaller crocks will work but this is the size I use most)


  1. Place bones, carrots and celery in crockpot. Cover with filtered water. Set crock to low and cook for at least 24 hours. Yes, at least 24 hours. As long as the broth stays 145F or more, it will be safe…and the longer you cook it, the more nutrients it absorbs from those delicious bones!
  2. Once you are ready to remove and store your broth, use a mesh strainer to remove any leftover meat, skin or bones. Pour into 4-quart sized sterilized mason jars and prepare to either pressure-can* or freeze your broth. Properly stored broth will keep for up to six months.
  3. When ready to use, be sure to season and salt according to your needs.
  4. Makes approximately 4 quarts
  5. *Bone broth, like any meat or low acid food item, must be properly sealed in a pressure canner. I really like our 23-quart pressure canner because it is also good for cooking! Be sure to follow the directions on whichever canner you use.
  6. If you are interested in eliminating candida overgrowth using the same protocol we are, wishing to rest your system or simply jump start a better path to wellness, I will be opening an exclusive facebook group and hosting regular calls on treating candida and other ailments using this protocol as the basis. If you

If you are interested in eliminating candida overgrowth using the same protocol we are, wishing to rest your system or simply jump start a better path to wellness, I will be opening an exclusive facebook group and hosting regular calls on treating candida and other ailments using this protocol as the basis. If you would like to be a part of this group and have complete access to meal calendars, exclusive recipes and more, please contact me with your name and e-mail address here.

Our first official group will begin August 1st. Because supplements and oils take time to process and ship, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you!




This post is also shared with: Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Allergy Free Wednesdays, Pennywise Platter, Real Food Wednesday, Whole Foods Wednesday, Full Plate Thursday, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways


  1. Wow, I never would have considered candida to be a contributing problem to digestion. My son has suffered for years himself, but has yet to have a clear diagnosis. I will definitely research this topic further. Thanks for the great recipe!

    • Hi Cyn! Candida is at the heart of more mysterious medical issues than any other individual concern. Next week will be dedicated to sharing more information about Candida and what we are doing to fight it…I hope to hear more from you! xoxo

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Have a great weekend and hope to see you soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. I’m having trouble finding out how to pin the recipes, can you help?

  4. There are many candida diet recipes that you can buy on the market today,which will help you succeed in removing your yeast overgrowth. These type of resources are great as they will save you time figuring out what to eat every day and will also know what works in eliminating an overgrowth of candida in the body. By following a natural Candida Infection Treatment , you will be slowly eliminating your symptoms and also gaining a more healthy body.

  5. Just discovered my Daughter 12yo and myself have Candida overgrowth…starting today we are eliminating and making broth…thanks for sharing

  6. What about adding things like ginger and turmeric to the soup ?
    Also Coconut is antifungal .
    How much broth you have to drink a day?

    • You are welcome to add anything you find beneficial to this! We drink mostly water, but tend to enjoy at least 8oz of broth every day as well.

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