Cream of Mushroom Soup (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo, Vegan Option)

With the holidays upon us, there are some staples that one cannot live without this time of the year.

Unfortunately, allergies, food sensitivities and auto-immune syndromes can often lead to feeling like we have to miss out on many of our favorite foods.

Not so, I say!

With the exception of baklava, there are few must-have recipes that I have not been able to replicate in some way shape or form that meets our new and improved way of life.

From sweetened condensed milk to my mother’s Toll House Pie, if a there is a food-memory worth stirring, I am determined to make it happen.

Tonight’s recipe stems from the need to revamp another, larger, traditionally gluten and dairy-filled holiday dish.

As easy as it is delicious, and one of those base items, perfect for everything from crockpot to casserole dishes, yet wonderfully delicious on its own; I have no doubt this is a recipe you will turn to time and time again.

My entry into this month’s Ingredient-Challenge Monday, may this Cream of Mushroom Soup bring you warmth and satisfaction.


Cream of Mushroom Soup (Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Paleo, Vegan Option)


  • 8oz fresh mushrooms (sliced or diced, my family prefers diced)
  • ΒΌ c diced onions
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 Tbs coconut oil
  • 1 Tbs coconut flour
  • 1 c chicken or vegetable broth (I prefer homemade)
  • 1 c whole-fat canned coconut milk
  • 1 Tbs arrowroot powder
  • 1 Tbs water
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. In large saucepan, sautΓ© mushrooms, onions and garlic in coconut oil over medium-high heat. Once softened, add in coconut flour and stir until lightly golden. Mix in broth and coconut milk, bring to a light boil, stirring frequently.
  2. In a small bowl, make a slurry with the arrowroot powder and water. Add slowly to the soup until ideal thickness has been achieved. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Serve warm.
  4. Makes 2-4 servings.

Ready to share your magnificent mushroom recipe?


It’s easy! Simply link your recipe back to this page, come back and link in with the linky tool below.

Because this blog is a gluten-free and dairy-free blog, I do ask that your recipes also be gluten-free and dairy-free.Β  Please also keep in mind that I want to try your creations in my own home and do my best to make each and every item you share…that being said, as the main cook in the home, the more Paleo-Friendly your recipe is, the more likely I will be able to taste it.

What do I mean by Paleo-Friendly? Well, it must be free of grains (including corn and quinoa), dairy (already a given), legumes (beans and peanuts), and free of refined sugars.

Many naturally gluten-free and dairy-free recipes fit nicely into the paleo lifestyle. Gluten-free vegan foods are welcome, as are gluten-free non-vegan foods.Β  As long as it is free of gluten and dairy, it is welcome here!

That being said, if there is something (like sugar or peanuts) that can easily be substituted without changing the nature of your recipe…and if you are okay with me throwing my own minor tweaks in when I give your recipe a try, please share! I promise to keep my changes minimal as I aim to taste YOUR recipe, not create my own.

So are you ready to have the next ICM featured recipe??

Link it up and have a wonderful week! xoxo


  1. Love mushrooms so I have a few recipes to share. The grilled portobellos are my favourite! I know you won’t pair them with the bean spread, but the mushrooms themselves are delicious. πŸ™‚

  2. So glad to have found this GF/DF version just in time for Thanksgiving!

  3. Thank you for this!! I have missed cream of mushroom soup!! And so many “healthy” versions have soy, which I can’t have. So again, thank you!!!!

  4. Hey Sunny and friends, I was looking through some of the linked recipes and I just wanted to remind people that Shiitake mushrooms can be toxic when eaten raw. Apparently not everyone is susceptible, but it is a risk. Also raw sweet potatoes contain a trypsin inhibitor and can also be unhealthful when consumed (raw). The linked burger recipe looks good, but I think I would cook it (sorry to defeat the raw concept).
    Be safe (and of course not everyone will have reactions so you might be OK to try the raw).

  5. So delicious and easy to make! Thanks!

  6. Interesting story how I came across your site and eventually your recipe linky…I was making a Gluten and Dairy free Pumpkin Cheesecake for Thanksgiving and needed to make homemade non-dairy Sweetened Condensed Milk. I did a search to see if others make the milk differently than I do and came across your site. Today, I posted the recipe and added your link as an alternative method to making the milk as it differs from mine. While browsing around, I came across your recipe linky and joined in! Thanks for hosting πŸ™‚

    • πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing, Mary. Unfortunately the linky was specific to mushroom recipes, but your cheesecake looks amazing! I’d love to have you link in to the challenges in the future. xoxo

  7. Sunny I think you are going to love my nutty mushrooms! Plus a super cute bento.

  8. Thank you for this recipe! It turned out perfectly. Going to use it in a gluten-free dairy-free green bean casserole πŸ™‚

  9. Thank you for this recipe! It turned out perfectly! Going to use it in a gluten-free dairy-free green bean casserole πŸ™‚


  1. […] Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Susan, to this month’s Ingredient Challenge Monday for mushrooms, and to this week’s Raw […]

  2. […] to Ricki’s Summer Wellness Weekends, to this month’s Ingredient Challenge Monday for mushrooms, to this week’s Summer Favourites potluck party, and to this month’s Simple and in […]

  3. […] A Month featuring sweet potatoes, to this month’s Ingredient Challenge Monday for mushrooms and to this week’s Wellness […]

  4. […] my Cream of Mushroom Soup and two pounds of fresh green beans = Paleo […]

  5. […] am sharing this recipe on And love it too, Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted in […]

  6. […] Cream of Mushroom Soup from I Love It Too – Dairy Free, Vegan Option, Chunky This creamy mushroom soup recipe is one for coconut lovers, combining coconut flour, coconut oil and coconut milk to give it a thick, creamy consistency (arrowroot powder is also called for to further thicken the soup as needed). The recipe does not call for a blender or hand blender, instead keeping the chopped mushrooms, onions, garlic and coconut broth chunky. […]

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