What We Eat: Teriyaki Beef Kabobs (Paleo, Whole30)

Last week I shared how I managed to stretch a meal originally planned for 4 to be enough for 8 people…this week, the concept is similar.

Fruits and vegetables can make a meal stretch. Use these instead of grains and you’ve got a paleo plan you can afford to stick with.

Because we purchase our produce through the local farmer’s market and an organization called Bountiful Baskets, we have cut our produce expenses down by hundreds of dollars a month. I make a point of befriending local farmers and ranchers and often hang out at the market until the end of the day, when they are making a push to sell the last of their produce…by doing this I have been greatly blessed with some amazing friendships and doubly blessed by reduced produce expenses. Support your local farmers, it’s a win-win relationship.

In the past I have also grown much of our produce but unfortunately am just now getting our yard where it needs to be to do so here (it takes time to prep the ground!).

If you are able, I strongly recommend planting and growing what you can. You’d be amazed what a couple of tomato, watermelon, cucumber, squash and kale plants can provide. Once the ground is prepared, it all comes with relatively little maintenance as well.

That being said, these kabob’s were a total hit. Even though there is relatively little meat, the fruits and the vegetables filled my teenagers bellies with ease.

Whole30 and stage2 ACD safe (pineapple is considered safe on most anti candida diets because it provides natural enzymes that help you digest your food more effectively), I hope you enjoy these grilled teriyaki kabobs as well as we did!





  1. Simple and delicious, Sunny! Need to make these this week! 🙂

    Thanks. xo,


  1. […] Teriyaki Beef Kabobs from And Love it Too! […]

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