Ahi Poke (Gluten Free, Dairy Free), Ingredient-Challenge Monday

Ahi Tuna.  While this ingredient is definitely a different approach to our Ingredient-Challenge Mondays (which generally uses a fruit or vegetable as the central focus of our challenges), Shea and I felt this highly nutritious food fit well into the ultimate goal of our challenge group: to bring variety to our table while increasing the overall nutrition of our home.

4 ounces of uncooked sashimi grade Ahi Tuna has only 130 calories and 1 g of fat while offering a whopping 28 g of protein.  Additionally, these 4 ounces of pure delight offer 2% of your RDA in vitamins A, C and Calcium while offering 4%  Iron RDA. 

Sashimi grade Ahi may be served as-is, seared (as in Shea’s Ingredient-Challenge Recipe), or in a variety of other ways including the recipe I am gladly sharing with you tonight.

You may have noted the wide array of cultural influences that are reflected in my recipes.   While I must admit that I have not traveled extensively at this point in my life, I have been blessed to know and have been influenced by individuals from all over the world.  

Be it Indian, Asian, American, Cajun, South American, Mexican, Italian, Polynesian, Turkish, Greek, English or French, there is someone in my life who has been a positive influence and shared a bit of their culture by sharing their plate, their home, and more importantly, a piece of their heart with me. 

Truly, the recipes I bring to you reflect their love as well as each reflects my own.

Tonight, the dish I share with you brings me back to hot summer days spent basking in the warm summer breeze, waves lapping at my feet and sand melting between my toes.  Originating in Hawaii, Ahi Poke is a dish that is best suited for courageous seafood lovers who are not afraid to extend their palate beyond the familiar sashimi or sushi dishes where Ahi is more readily found.

Perfect for hot summer days where warming the kitchen or lighting the grill seems far too overbearing, this recipe is deliciously gourmet, wonderfully simple and surely something you will turn to time and time again.

Ahi Poke (Gluten Free, Dairy Free)

1 lb Sashimi Grade Ahi Tuna, Cubed

4 Green Onions, Chopped

1 c GF Organic Tamari Soy Sauce

2 Tbs Sesame Oil

1  Tbs Tahini

1 Tbs Crushed Red Pepper

In medium non-reactive bowl, combine Ahi and green onions, set aside.  In small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, sesame oil, tahini and crushed red pepper.  Pour sauce over Ahi and onion, mix well.  Refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving. 

Serves 2-4 people.

Be sure to visit Ingredient-Challenge Monday for Shea’s recipe and feel free to link your own Ahi recipes below!



  1. This is such a gorgeous dish! I love the beautiful flavors going on, as well =)

  2. Looks wonderful! I love anything that reminds me of the beach 😉

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