Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month?
If you know my family’s story, you know that this is a subject near and dear to my heart.
1 in 5 people in the US experience a serious mental health concern in any given year.
With that, I am excited to share an event that will touch on so many aspects of mental and emotional wellbeing: A Month for the Mind, which kicks off on Wednesday, May 1st.

During this campaign, you’ll hear from mental health gurus who will share experiences and increase your knowledge on mental and emotional health. Including presenters such as:
- Rebecca Hintze, MSc: International bestselling author of four self-help titles, family issues expert, and mental health researcher on topics of depression and family patterns. Rebecca guides this series and ties together many of the presentations with her understanding of psychobiology and human behavior.
- Jane Clayson Johnson: Nationally recognized journalist, Jane Clayson Johnson shares stories of those who have been down the road of depression. She touches on the stigma that comes with depression and sheds light on how to cope and deal through sharing personal stories and experiences of others.
- Dr. Mariza Snyder: Balance Your Hormones and Mood with Essential Oils: Dr. Snyder asks, “Have your hormones been hijacked?” She is ready to put YOU back in control of your mood! You’ll learn how to use essential oils to resolve hormone chaos and re-adjust your mood.
- Dr. Melissa Esguerra: Gut Health and How It Supports Mental Health: She is passionate about teaching women how to reconnect their intuition to Mother Nature’s medicine. She discusses autoimmune issues attributed to our digestion in her “What is Your Gut Telling You?” lecture.
Not only that — this series introduces you to over 35 amazing speakers covering topics from “The Plague of Depression” to “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” These topics will benefit you, your family, and others around you!

Whether you are already educated on mental health or are just getting started learning, we invite you to register for A Month for the Mind and take part in Mental Health Awareness Month.
Three reasons why you should register?
- Knowledge provides relief! We are offering 31 lessons valued over $1000 from various guru’s in the field of mental and self-help.
- Learn and Share! Our expert speakers will be covering valuable information about mental health, including: anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction.
- Empower the World! With your new knowledge and understanding of best practices, you’ll be ready to make a difference in the lives of others.
Registration Information:
- Instead of asking for payment, we are asking for donations that will go to critical mental health foundations such as performer Alex Boye’s “Bend Not Break” foundation and “The Rapha House” (a recovery center for victims of human trafficking).
- We are thrilled that doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has agreed to match up to $15,000 in donations. Our goal is to raise over $200k for mental health charities!
We are excited to kick off Mental Health Awareness Month!
With love,
Sunny Busby, MBA, CA, CNC
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