Chocolate Covered Berries

Yesterday I shared a bit about the end result of my failed attempt to make a cake for the dessert auction held Thursday night at my church. Unfortunately, time did not allow for me to recreate the beautifully moist and wonderfully decadent chocolate masterpiece I had planned, but I knew I could not arrive to […]

Cornbread Stuffing / Cornbread Dressing (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Vegan)

I have Thanksgiving on the brain. There are several recipes I hope to perfect before then, but I am a one hurdle at a time kind of girl. For me, one of the most essential side dishes is the stuffing. Being in the South, Cornbread Stuffing/Dressing is the most traditional of all choices (call it what you want, it all depends on the part of the country in which you live:)). I am likely going to give other types of stuffing a try, but for now, Cornbread seemed like the best starting point.