Flax Seed Egg Replacer


I am so excited about this find, I had to share it with you!  Undoubtedly my vegan friends know about this already, but for someone who is not vegan or for anybody who is new to egg-free baking, this is an easy, healthy and delicious way to make the best out of the many foods that require eggs. I found several different versions but this one from food.com seemed to work most ideally for the recipes I make.  More importantly, it works perfectly with the recipe I will be sharing with you later today. 

Flax Seed Egg Replacer

1 c Ground Flax Seed

3 c Water

Simmer flax seeds and water in saucepan for about 5 minutes or until thick, egg-like consistency has been reached.  Let cool before using in recipe or transferring to glass jar for storage. This will keep in the fridge for about 2 weeks.

¼ c = 1 egg

This recipe works best for baked items like the cornbread stuffing I will post later today.  It is so quick and easy, I had to share!