Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger, July 2012 Sign-Up

Elana’s Cherry Vanilla Power Bars from my August, 2011 adoption.

I am beyond excited to be hosting this month’s Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger event!  If you are new to AaGFB, this event was created back in 2008 by Sea over at the Book of Yum in the interest of helping the gluten-free community get to their members better and to encourage bloggers to try each other’s mouth-watering recipes.

Sea is in Japan this summer, working on her dissertation so I was honored when she accepted my request to host AaGFB this month!

Ready to participate?

Here’s how (if you aren’t a blogger but want to join in, you can! Read the info at the bottom of the post).

1) Pick a gluten-free blogger whose recipes you admire and adopt them by commenting on this post with your name, blog name and their name and blog name.

*Blogger’s recipes must all be gluten-free or have a way to sort and read ONLY gluten-free recipes

*Please pick a different blogger every time you participate

*Please pick a blogger that has not been adopted yet this month!


2) Pick one (or more!) of your gluten-free blogger’s recipes to try.


3) Make the recipe, photograph it and write a post in your blog introducing the blogger and their recipe.

*Follow the recipe as written, as closely as possible. And please don’t print their recipe on your post-just provide your reader a link to their original recipe.

*Provide a link to this event announcement page


4) Email me at: andloveittoo (at) gmail (dot) com with a photo of your recipe, the URL of your post, name of the recipe and the URL of the original blogger’s recipe post.  PLEASE SIZE PHOTO TO BE A MAXIMUM OF 500 PIXELS WIDE. (Pretty please)


5) Post YOUR POST’S URL in a comment to this post, and if possible try to visit two other blogger’s posts that are posted here (and comment!).

*The goal is to make this event interactive and fun!


Sign up BEFORE July 28th (loose deadline; late sign-ups are OK)

Post your review and e-mail me by August 3 (firm deadline, no foolin’)

Now, this is a cool option if you don’t have a blog.  You can still sign up to adopt a blogger, then snap a photo of the dish you’ve made and email me your name, the recipe’s URL and title, and the photo.

I will start the adoptions by adopting Shirley from Gluten-Free Easily.  Now it’s your turn!

Adoption Sign-Up Sheet:

1)Shirley from Gluten-Free Easily (adopted by Sunny from And Love it, Too!)

2)Deanna of The Mommy Bowl (adopted by Rachel from The Crispy Cook)

3) Caitlin form Roost (adopted by Shannon from Enjoying Gluten-Free Life)

4) Amber from The Tasty Alternative  (adopted by Dawn from Cuter than Gluten)

5) Sunny from And Love it, Too! (adopted by Heather, The Gluten-Free Cat. Thanks, Heather!)

6) France from Beyond the Peel (adopted by Alta from Tasty Eats at Home)

7) Tessa from Tessa the Domestic Diva (adopted by Heather from Rise & Shine Life)

8) Christina from Dandelions on the Wall (adopted by Mary from Sweet Roots)

9) Tracy from Allergy Phoods (adopted by Gail)

10) Mary from Sweet Roots (adopted by Christina from Dandelions on the Wall)

11) Megan from Allergy Free Alaska (adopted by Paula from Live Free, Gluten Free)

12) Jenni from The Urban Poser (adopted by Tessa from Tessa the Domestic Diva)

13) Brittany from Real Sustenance (adopted by Shirley from Gluten Free Easily)


If you would like inspiration for your post, please visit a couple of my previous Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger posts but remember, you only have to make one dish.


  1. Thank you for hosting this always-fun, always-inspiring event. I would like to adopt The Mommy Bowl, a gluten-free and dairy-free blogger.

  2. I would like to adopt Roost. I’ve stopped by to admire her photography but not made any of her recipes and they look delicious.

  3. I would like to adopt Amber at The Tasty Alternative.

  4. I’d like to adopt YOU! 🙂

  5. I’m going to adopt France from Beyond the Peel.

  6. I’d like to adopt The Urban Poser!

  7. I am so excited to participate! I would like to adopt Tessa The Domestic Diva, please! 🙂

  8. Hi, my name is Mary Banducci and I blog over at Sweet Roots {Infusions of Herbal Life} where I post gluten and dairy free recipes with an herbal twist along with homemade body and baby care products.
    How can I sign up to be adopted and is there anyone I can adopt available?

    I found this via Dandelions on the Wall facebook page.
    Thank you and I just love this idea!

    • 🙂 Hi Mary! I am so glad you are here. Read through the post, there are instructions about adopting another blogger there. As far as being adopted, keep participating and someone will pick you up along the way (I promise!)! I look forward to hearing back from you and seeing who you would like to adopt. xo

  9. I’m having trouble on both Alta’s and Heather’s links above. Anyone else?
    I just googled them instead.

  10. ok…I don’t even see my original comment telling you that I adopted the Urban Poser! Hmm…anyway, I figured I was the one adopted in your list above….how exciting!

  11. I would like to adpot Tracy from
    I love her blogs! They’re informative but written with humor. All the recipes are gluten free, nut free, dairy free, soy free and egg free along with pictures of everything she makes! AND she includes information on the products she uses to make for easy purchasing.

  12. I would like to adopt Megan from Allergy Free Alaska.

  13. Well, hey! that’s me! Can I adopt Mary from Sweet Roots, then?? We’ll adopt each other and share the love?! Because I know exactly what I want to try already!

    Keep me posted–I totally understand if you’d rather we not adopt each other 🙂

  14. help! 3 comments have now not been received by you! I will email you….I adopted The Urban Poser

  15. I finally got psyllium husks and powder so I was going to adopt Deanna, but I see she was snagged, so then I was going to adopt you. Again, you were already taken. So I’m going to adopt Brittany of Real Sustenance because there are so many of her grain-free recipes that I’ve been wanting to try. And with Son home, I’ll have plenty of help eating them! 😉 There are truly no bad adoptees in these adoption events. I love Adopt a GF Blogger and was so disappointed not to get to participate for a while. Thanks for hosting!!


  16. My adoption post is live. I made Roost’s Harvest Cake as muffins.


  1. […] time for another rendition of Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger! This month is being hosted by Sunny of And Love It Too – and there’s still time to sign up – deadline is tomorrow, July 28th – so if […]

  2. […] time for another rendition of Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger! This month is being hosted by Sunny of And Love It Too – and there’s still time to sign up – deadline is today, July 28th – so if you want to […]

  3. […] – blog*spot Posted on July 29, 2012 by in Rice Recipes And Love it Too  is hosting an Adopt A Gluten Free Blogger. When Christina posted this on her facebook, I knew I wanted to participate. I love submitting to […]

  4. […] this post I am participating in Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger. I chose to adopt Amber from The Tasty Alternative . She is super friendly and has made my first […]

  5. […] month, Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger is being hosted by Sunny of And Love It Too. And I had the honor of adopting the host!  I’m […]

  6. […] this dear friend, so imagine what joy I felt when I was able to adopt Shirley for this month’s Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger […]

  7. […] Did you see the number of adoptions this month? What I enjoyed most were the number of new-to-me and long-time-favorite bloggers who participated and bloggers who were adopted.  So many gluten-free sites to love! […]

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