June 2013 Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free Event Roundup!

For many of us, the month of June brings about final school days, warmer weather, the need and desire to travel abroad.

When faced with dietary restrictions, chosen or otherwise, challenges can be averted with a little planning and innovation.

Throughout June, several of my favorite bloggers shared their tips and delicious recipes to help keep Primal Travel Food within reach throughout any travel situation.


First, my friend Tessa from Tessa the Domestic Diva sent me three tasty treats and asked me to pick a favorite.

Yeah.  Not so easy when everything she makes is so delicious! So if it were up to me, I’d take a little of everything she offered…


Dense Fudgey Chocolate Brownies rich enough to make your mouth water just by looking at them…


These High-Protein Minute Muffins are delicious enough to be a treat, healthy enough to be a mini-meal.


And even grain-free ‘Whole-Wheat Flour Tortillas’ which are delicious with a little raw honey or homemade sunbutter.


Dawn from Cuter Than Gluten shared her Grain-Free Travel Cakes recipe…With a couple of variations available, you could easily take this one recipe and turn it into three types of road snacks! Heck…anything with cacao nibs makes for good travel food, right? 😉

 donuts pic

I was excited to receive a message from a new-to-me blogger, Better Rawker with a lovely recipe included. When my kids saw this recipe for Raw Donut Holes, they begged me to make them right away!  Oh my are they good! And easy to bring along as well.


With two separate day-trips on the books for the month of June, I prepped my family for travel with lots of fresh fruits and veggies (green-beans are a favorite travel snack); but also turned to an old stand-by to ensure we had the energy needed to make the long trek each time.  These Orange Cranberry Almond Power Bars are simply divine, easy to transport and positively delicious! My kids are always excited to see me make them and I love that they are filled with protein and good carbs so no guilt comes with this indulgence.


Finally, my dear friend Shirley from Gluten-Free Easily stayed up until the wee hours of the night to ensure her Paleo Fluffy Puffy Almond Butter (or Sunbutter) Cookies made the rounds.  Given my long-time love for nutbutter cookies, these grain-free goodies were a welcome dish.  Perfect for travel or a special lunchbox treat, undoubtedly these delights will become regulars in our house.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this month’s Go Ahead honey, It’s Gluten-Free event.  

July’s event is on Grain-Free Bars and is being hosted by Mrs. Ed’s Research and Recipes.  I am very excited to see what next month brings!

If you would like to know more about GAHIGF and what the rest of the year will hold in store, be sure to stop by Straight Into Bed, Cakefree and Dried.  There is still an opening for December, so if you hurry and get your name in the pot, I’m certain you’ll enjoy every last minute of being the host.

Happy July! xoxo


  1. Thank Sunny, round up looks great! Will share all around!

  2. Terrific job, Sunny! And thanks to everyone else, too! There are definitely some must try recipes here. 🙂 I can see why your kiddos wanted you to make those Raw Donut Holes right away. 😉

    Btw, it was worth it staying up late to make and right about those cookies. We put them to good use in the mountains. In fact, two of them became a giant Cookie S’more! 🙂

    Shared on FB. Will share more elsewhere. 🙂 Love the collage!


  3. Great roundup!! I saw several I can’t wait to try!!

  4. Everything is indeed mouthwatering! And I’m sorry I couldn’t participate, but a broken computer just threw a wrench in all my plans. Next time!


  1. […] Here’s the recipe for you! Be sure to check out all the entries here in Sunny’s roundup post! […]

  2. […] And thank you to “And Love it Too” for featuring this recipe in a recipe round-up here: http://andloveittoo.com/june-2013-go-ahead-honey-its-gluten-free-event-roundup/ […]

  3. […] thank you to “And Love it Too” for featuring this recipe in this gluten free recipe round-up here and shared at Healthy, […]

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