Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger, Ricki Heller from Diet Dessert and Dogs

I was so excited when Shannon from Enjoying Gluten-Free Life contacted me to let me know that the sign-up for this month’s Adopt A Gluten-Free Blogger was ready to go because there is one blogger I have been waiting to adopt but always seem to either miss the sign-up date (darn day-job distractions ;)) or when I do get to sign up, she is already taken.

This month I am honored to adopt Ricki Heller from Diet Dessert and Dogs.

What can I say about Ricki?  Well first, despite our differences (she’s vegan, I’m not), we have sooooo much in common.

Ricki and I are both educators.  She teaches at a University, I teach at a K-12 school.

Ricki and I both have spouses who eat differently than we do.  I’m grain-free, my hubby is not.  Ricki is vegan, her hubby is not.  Regardless, we love them, they love us and we make our dietary differences work.

Ricki has dogs, I have dogs.

And lastly, Ricki and I both love our salad, but still leave plenty of room for dessert (have your cake and love it…diet dessert…yeah, you get the picture).

Because of these similarities, I must admit that I had a very difficult time determining which recipes I wanted to share with you.  I have tried many of Ricki’s recipes and have loved every one of them. Heaven’s knows her Raw Chocolate Fudge-Topped Brownies are reason alone to put Ricki on your follow list!

Of all her recipes, there is one that has truly become a staple in our home.

About a year ago Ricki shared an ‘almost instant’ grain-free breakfast cereal that looked very similar to one of my beloved childhood favorites—cream of wheat.  I remember being so excited about this recipe and so grateful that I had everything on hand to make it that I had whipped up our first bowl within minutes of her post being published.

Since then, this Easy No-Cook, Grain-Free Breakfast Porridge has graced our table at least once a week, every week.  Really. It is that good.

With so many great recipes, I couldn’t stop at just one.  If you have been over to the In My Gluten-Free Kitchen series at Celiacs in the House, in the recent tour of my own Gluten-Free kitchen you may have noticed my ‘fruit counter’ with a big, beautiful watermelon on it.  This time of the year we eat at least 1-2 watermelons a week, so when Ricki shared this Watermelon-Basil Cooler I knew I wanted to try it!

Just fancy enough to be served in a grown up glass, this cooler certainly hit the spot.  If you have never enjoyed the taste of basil and watermelon together, this is a great way to start!

Thanks for hosting this month’s event, Shannon.  And thank you, Ricki, for being you! xoxo

Do you have a blogger you would like to adopt?  There is still time to sign up for June! And Shannon made certain there is an opportunity for all of you to join in, blog or not.  Hurry! Don’t miss your chance.

I hope you will all join me for next month’s Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger which will be hosted right here at And Love it, Too!  xoxo


  1. I’m going to have to try her cereal. I love hot cereal and, like you, eat grain-free.

    Thanks for adopting!

  2. Sunny, thank you so much for this absolutely wonderful review! I am honored to be “adopted” by you. 😀
    I have to agree, we have so much in common! (and your dogs are just beautiful. . . I can see a bit of Chaser in your German Shepherd). 🙂
    And wow, your porridge totally looks like Cream of Wheat! And glad you enjoyed the cooler, too.
    I will do my utmost to participate in AAGFB next month, especially since you are hosting. My track record isn’t too great, either–where does the time GO???–but I’m hoping this is the month! 🙂
    Big hugs and thanks!
    xo Ricki

  3. Your adoption of Ricki is beautifully done, Sunny! I have eyed that watermelon basil cooler from the beginning. I’m really ready for it with this week’s weather. 😉 I was tickled when I got to adopt Ricki, too, and it was VERY hard to choose recipes. She has so many divine ones! 🙂


  4. Sunny, wonderful adoption post! I remember jumping up and down with excitement when I finally got to adopt Ricki before anyone else did! So glad you finally got your turn! And you made two of her recipes that I’ve never tried before. Thank you for pointing them out. I’m so curious about what is in the grain-free porridge…and I’m off to find out!

  5. Ricki’s blog is great; you picked a winner to adopt, that’s for sure. Gonna have to try that Watermelon Basil cooler. Sounds delicious and refreshing.

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