Options not Opinions: Just the Facts


This time of the year there is a lot of discussion about whether or not we should be getting our flu shot. As a Certified Aromatherapist and Nutritional Consultant, I get asked what I would do for myself and my family quite often.

While I am not here to tell you what to do, and refuse to hold judgement over whatever direction you choose to take; I did want to share some of the facts available on both sides of this discussion so you can make a well-rounded educated decision.

I pray you find this information helpful and hope that they enable you to make the best decision possible for you and your family.

The CDC identifies Influenza (Flu) as:

“…a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness and at times can lead to death.”


Flu symptoms include fever*, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.

(*it’s important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever).


Flu pandemics have happened world-wide for well over 100 years, and until the last decade when clinical research on alternative methods really began, it seemed the only reasonably effective way to prevent the flu was to get your annual vaccination shot.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the flu vaccination has fluctuated significantly over time with the CDC reporting that between 2004/2005 and 2017/2018, the influenza vaccine effectiveness ranged from 10 percent in 2004/2005 to 60 percent in 2010/2011, and that the vaccination has been less than 50 percent effective in ten out of 14 flu seasons.

Ingredients in the flu shot include the influenza virus, formaldehyde, aluminum salts, thimerosal, chicken egg proteins, gelatin and antibiotics like gentamicin or neomycin.

Let’s talk about just a few of those ingredients…

Formaldehyde: Undoubtedly you are familiar with this one as it is a well known toxin and potentially lethal in high doses. What you may not know is that formaldehyde is typically present in the human body and is a product of a healthy digestive track. Even so, formaldehyde is highly regulated by the EPA because of it’s adverse health effects and has been largely studied by the national cancer institute as a human carcinogen.

Aluminum salts: Aluminum salts have been used in vaccines for over 70 years because they are known adjuvants, meaning they help the body to develop a stronger immune response against the virus in the vaccine. Unfortunately, aluminum salts have also been studied for their potential impact on neurodegeneration and potential implications in Alzheimer’s disease.

It is important to note that not all influenza vaccines contain aluminum salts, although many vaccinations do.

Thimerosal: If you have done previous research on vaccinations, you likely have come across this ingredient as a controversial one due to the fact that it contains ethylmercury. Thimerosal is used as a preservative in vaccinations to help keep the vaccine free from contamination of bacteria and fungi. The CDC states that thimerosal and the ethylmercury it contains is eliminated from the body relatively quickly (over a few days), so it does not build up and reach harmful levels like methylmercury would. However, EPH researchers emphasize that “the risks associated with low-level exposures of inorganic mercury (like ethylmercury) are unknown, and they describe other research linking persistent inorganic mercury exposure with increased activation of microglia in the brain, an effect recently reported in children with autism.”


Undoubtedly the information above gives cause for concern to many, especially when you consider that exposing ourselves and our children to these ingredients comes with the likelihood that the vaccination will be less than 50% effective in the first place.

Even so, it is important to note that the CDC reports that 80-90% of the children who have died from the flu were not known to have been vaccinated.

While one childhood death is one death too many, I wanted to be sure we knew how many deaths we were talking about…

Worldwide, the number of children who have died from the flu in recent years are:

2003-04 flu season: 152

2004-05 flu season: 39

2005-06 flu season: 41

2006-07 flu season: 68

2007-08 flu season: 88

2008-09 flu season: 133

2009-10 flu season: 282

2010-11 flu season: 123

2011-12 flu season: 37

2012-13 flu season: 171

2013-14 flu season: 111

2014-15 flu season: 148

2015-16 flu season: 85

2016-17 flu season: 110

2018 flu season: 179


Along with that, it is also important to note that the flu vaccine was officially added to the Vaccine Injury Table (VIT)  in 2017. The National Vaccine Information Center reports that, “as of August 8, 2018, there had been 4,527  claims filed in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for injuries and deaths following Influenza Vaccination, including 144 deaths and 4383 serious injuries,” (it is not noted when those deaths or injuries occurred, just that there had been that many complaints filed since the Influenza Vaccine had been added to the VIT).


With all of that knowledge in hand, if you have decided that getting the flu-shot is still the best decision for your family, please note that the CDC does share that some people should not get the Influenza Vaccine.

From their page:

 Influenza (inactivated) vaccine

Some people should not get this vaccine.

Tell the person who is giving you the vaccine:

  • If you have any severe, life-threatening allergies.
    If you ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of flu vaccine, or have a severe allergy to any part of this vaccine, you may be advised not to get vaccinated. Most, but not all, types of flu vaccine contain a small amount of egg protein.
  • If you ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (also called GBS).
    Some people with a history of GBS should not get this vaccine. This should be discussed with your doctor.
  • If you are not feeling well. 
    It is usually okay to get flu vaccine when you have a mild illness, but you might be asked to come back when you feel better.

This information was taken directly from the Inactivated Influenza VIS

Influenza (live) vaccine

Some people should not get this vaccine.

Some people should not get LAIV because of age, health conditions, or other reasons. Most of these people should get an injected flu vaccine instead. Your healthcare provider can help you decide.

Tell the provider if you or the person being vaccinated:

  • have any allergies, including an allergy to eggs, or have ever had an allergic reaction to an influenza vaccine.
  • have ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome (also called GBS).
  • have any long-term heart, breathing, kidney, liver, or nervous system problems.
  • have asthma or breathing problems, or are a child who has had wheezing episodes.
  • are pregnant.
  • are a child or adolescent who is receiving aspirin or aspirin-containing products.
  • have a weakened immune system.
  • will be visiting or taking care of someone, within the next 7 days, who requires a protected environment (for example, following a bone marrow transplant).

Sometimes LAIV should be delayed. Tell the provider if you or the person being vaccinated:

  • are not feeling well. The vaccine could be delayed until you feel better.
  • have gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks. Live vaccines given too close together might not work as well.
  • have taken influenza antiviral medication in the past 48 hours.
  • have a very stuffy nose.

This information was taken directly from the Live Influenza VIS


If you have read this far, you may be wondering what options those families who opt out of the Influenza Vaccination or those who are not able to take the Influenza Vaccination have.

Regardless if you choose to vaccinate or not, it is vital to focus on building a strong immune system. With approximately 80% of your immune system being found in your GI tract, the food you eat, the toxins you are exposed to and the amount of good bacteria you have in your gut will have an immediate impact on your overall wellness.

I encourage everyone to eat a diet rich in delicious herbs, loaded with lots of healthy vegetables, enjoy fruits in season, eat high-quality meats, but eat them sparingly, and only enjoy grains on occasion or in times of famine.  Also, minimize or eliminate processed foods, especially sugar (which feeds bad yeasts and disease), and drink lots and lots of water (strive for at least 50% of your body weight in ounces, every day).

To maintain healthy flora and a strong level of good bacteria, enjoy a variety of properly fermented foods and take a daily high-quality probiotic…one that has a delivery system where the probiotics will not be released until they hit your gut (as your stomach will kill a vast majority of the probiotics found in most products).

I also urge you to strongly consider incorporating essential oils and aromatherapy into your daily protocol.

Essential oils like fennel, wild orange, lemon, oregano, thyme, melaleuca, digestive and protective blends can help your body maintain healthy immune function and potentially aid in inhibiting and eliminating unwanted bacteria or pathogens altogether.

Scientifically, there is lots of research being done on the impact of essential oils against different strains of unwanted bacteria or pathogens, runny nose, cough, night sweats, seasonal or environmental threats. Most notably, this study utilizing a protective blend of essential oils shows that this specific blend significantly reduces the effect of unwanted bacteria or pathogens and inhibits viral protein translation.*

I don’t know about you, but I think that is pretty cool.

What we use to help with some of the concerns listed above:

Unwanted bacteria or pathogens: Protective Blend, Oregano Essential Oil, Melaleuca

We like to diffuse these but will also create a mix with 1-2 drops of each in one TBS carrier oil and apply that to the base of our feet 2-3 times a day until we find that we are feeling 100% again.

Runny nose: Respiratory Blend, Digestive Blend

When we have a runny nose, we find that layering our respiratory blend and digestive blend over our sinuses (avoiding the eyes!) helps to open our airways and get things moving along. As always, be sure to dilute. Just 1-2 drops of each in a carrier oil will be plenty. We use as needed.

Cough: Respiratory Blend, Thyme, Frankincense, Rosemary, Melaleuca, Lime, Cardamom

We like to diffuse any/all of these as needed when that tickle in the back of the throat kicks in. With my little ones, I prefer to start off with the most gentile oils, ones like frankincense, melaleuca, cardamom and lime, but find that my older kids and I benefit greatly from the respiratory blend, thyme and frankincense. Diffusing is always the most gentile way to use oils, but again, we will often dilute these in a carrier oil and apply to the bottom of the feet or over the chest as appropriate.

Night Sweats: Peppermint, Lavender

We find that both of these oils help support temperature regulation and bring comfort when night sweats kick in. As mentioned above, with my little ones especially, we like to start with the most gentile oils and find that lavender is often all they need. When they get really bad, peppermint has been our saving grace many, many times. To use, we like to dilute 1-2 drops in a TBS of carrier oil and apply on the back of our necks, across our forehead, on the bottom of our feet and down our spine. We do this as often as needed for relief.

Seasonal or environmental threats: Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, Melaleuca

Seriously y’all…these essential oils together, they’re magic. You can use this blend in the diffuser (most gentile way), diluted in a carrier oil and on the bottom of your feet or even in a capsule*. We do this as often as needed.


Ultimately, you have options. I pray you weigh every angle of those options heavily and that this article helps you to make the best decision as appropriate for you and your family.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly or visit http://andloveittoo.com/essential-oils/ to learn more about how essential oils can benefit you.

Here’s to building health, happiness and hope through the power of nutrition and natural solutions!




*Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

**Not all essential oils are created equal. A vast majority of the oils on the market are impure, adulterated, synthetic and/or simply unsafe to use, please do not ingest or use any essential oil internally unless you can verify purity and know, without a doubt, that you can trust the source. It took me many years and lots of research to find a company that I am 100% satisfied with.To learn more about finding an essential oil you can trust to use safely on yourself and your family, please visit: http://andloveittoo.com/essential-oils/


  1. Good morning. I believe there is a place in world for modern medicine.
    But I also believe strongly in alternatives to strengthen our
    bodies. Maybe you would consider and promote the
    benefits of both???

  2. Thank you for sharing! This has a lot of detailed information and factual with links! Many don’t have this information or are not able to take the time to research to make informed decisions and you have made this easier for us to do so!!! Have a blessed day!!!

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