Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free June 2013

I am pleased to announce that I am hosting the June, 2013 Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free event!  Created by Naomi Devlin (Straight Into Bed Cakefree and Dried), this great event has been going on for several years now and is always a fun way for gluten-free eaters to gather recipes from all around the world!


This year, Naomi wanted to focus on not only gluten-free recipes, but also grain-free recipes.

As you may know, I have been creating recipes and eating a grain-free lifestyle for more than two years.

While my reasons for eliminating grains were many, among them included the ease of use in grain-free flours versus other non-gluten sources and, most importantly, the high probability of cross contamination in otherwise naturally gluten-free grains, seeds and flours.

You see, in addition to having celiac disease, I also have dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), a sister illness to celiac disease where a rash appears when I have come in contact with or ingest gluten. While my celiac symptoms are fairly prominent, I quickly learned that my DH is extremely sensitive and even the slightest bit of contact with gluten is problematic to say the least.

Like many of you, I need to avoid gluten at all time, no matter what.

Between living in a small town and being sent out on dozens of training opportunities throughout the state, often where there is little to no gluten-free options in-sight; I have become a huge fan of prepared travel. Packing travel-friendly foods that are delicious and nutritious has become even more important than making sure I have the right shoes for the situation.

And I’m a shoe-loving girl…so that’s saying something. 😉

In line with all of this, our theme for the month is Primal Travel Foods.

Just in time for the summer months ahead, I want to know what grain-free staples have gotten you through the worst of the gluten-covered craziness we often find on the road.

Remember, these foods must travel easily and have absolutely NO wheat, barley, rye, rice, corn, sorghum, oats or millet. These recipes should also be free of artificial and highly processed sweeteners.

Some of our favorite Primal Travel Foods include:

Veggie Jim’s from Lexie’s Kitchen


Photo shared with permission from Lexie Croft

Cherry Vanilla Power Bars from Elana’s Pantry


Photo shared with permission from Elana Amsterdam

Sweet Heart Jerky from Paleo Parents


Photo shared with permission from Stacy Toth and Matt McCarry


I am excited to see your grain-free travel friendly creations throughout this month!

Please submit your entry via e-mail to me (andloveittoo (at) gmail (dot) com) with Go Ahead Honey in the subject line by Thursday, June 27.

If you’re a blogger, please email me both your post URL and your photo. If you’re not a blogger, please send your entry via email with your recipe in an attachment or within your email, as well as with a photo attached.  You do not have to be a gluten-free blogger or a gluten-free non-blogger to submit and entry, though your recipe does have to be completely gluten and grain-free.

Please send our entry along as soon as it’s posted/complete; you do not have to wait until the end of the month to share it.  Feel free to use the badge in your post as well.

If you are in need of some inspiration or simply want to see all of the fantastic GAHIGF recipes from last month, May’s event was hosted by Shirley over at Gluten-Free Easily. Next month, Trace Gunter of Mrs Ed’s Research and Recipes is featuring Bars as her theme…mmmmm, two months’ worth of travel-friendly ideas! Perfect for the summer.

You can find the 2013 GAHIGF schedule here though you may note that December is still open, be sure to contact Naomi if you are interested in hosting.

I look forward to seeing all of your Primal Travel Foods!


  1. Great post, Sunny! Love the shoe quip. 😉 This is going to be another great GAHIGF roundup for sure. 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting, and for the link love!


  2. My favorite gluten free food is apples. I eat 2 or 3 a day and they are naturally gluten free. I liked your page on fb and am debating as to whether to sign up for a box. Will you be doing any that are corn free? Corn syrup and cornstarch hurt my belly.

    • Hi Laurie! We haven’t used corn syrup or corn starch in years. Feel free to explore and try any of the recipes you see here!


  3. Looks lovely, love it too! Am mom of eczema toddler, and building a list of allergy blogs for my readers and found yours – would you like to add yours here? http://eczemablues.com/2013/06/allergies-blogs-on-eczemablues/


  1. […] Her theme is Primal Travel Food, which is perfect for summer travel! Read her announcement post here, and check out all the hosts and themes for 2013 here. Many thanks to all who participated this […]

  2. […] really want to participate in a monthly blog sharing called, “Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten-Free“, and the due date for the recipe is tomorrow. I have already write the recipe, tested it, […]

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