Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart

This week on FoodNetwork Summer Fest, food and garden bloggers are joining up to share their favorite tomato recipes.

I don’t know about the other Summer Fest bloggers, but for me this was no easy task.  You see, tomatoes are a staple in our home.

Quartered tomatoes are the perfect side with our morning breakfast.

Marinara sauce is one of the greatest inventions ever.


Tomato based chili is on our menu at least once a month.

Have you ever had tuna, mayonnaise, fresh dill and tomato chunks together?

Because you should. It’s not only easy, it’s super delicious.

Then there are green tomatoes, which are a southern staple.  We love to coat them in an almond flour mix and ‘fry’ them in the oven.

In fact, when we were given the challenge to bring forth our favorite tomato recipes, I was certain that is what I would share. But that would require green tomatoes and unfortunately my garden hasn’t been producing tomatoes (it’s too hot and they are rebelling), my tomato vendor hasn’t had them nor did any of the local grocery stores…

So instead, today I am pleased to share this Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart with you.

You see, my husband and I just finished his first and my second Whole30, a clean-eating plan created by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig from Whole9Life.  If you have been to my page before, you have heard me talk about this program… if not, you can learn more about it through any number of my Whole30 related posts.

Even with the drastic changes this plan called for (at least in regard to my husband’s eating habits), we have found renewed energy and a commitment to stay as close to this way of eating as possible while allowing for the occasional treat.

This recipe is made with Whole30 approved ingredients, but because it is officially a ‘paleocized’ recipe I’m not certain Dallas would approve of this for the Whole30 plan itself.

That being said, served with a side of grass fed beef meatballs, this made for a perfect day 31 meal.

My children’s only complaint?

That there wasn’t more to go around.

đŸ˜‰ No worries.

Don’t let the long list of instructions frighten you, this dish is actually very simple and goes together easily.



Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart
Serves 8
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368 calories
35 g
0 g
25 g
4 g
6 g
139 g
301 g
6 g
0 g
17 g
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories 368
Calories from Fat 213
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 25g
Saturated Fat 6g
Trans Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 3g
Monounsaturated Fat 14g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 301mg
Total Carbohydrates 35g
Dietary Fiber 2g
Sugars 6g
Protein 4g
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  1. Crust
  2. 2c Blanched Almond Flour
  3. 1 Tbs Italian Seasoning or Dried Basil
  4. ½ tsp Sea Salt
  5. 2 Tbs Coconut Oil
  6. 1 Tbs Ground Flax Seed (I self-grind)
  7. 3-4 Tbs Hot Water
  8. Filling
  9. 2 heads of Fresh Garlic, roasted (directions below)
  10. 4 Tomatoes, Sliced
  11. 3-4 tsp Olive Oil
  12. 1 oz fresh Basil, stems removed + some for garnish
  13. ¼ tsp Salt
  14. ¼ tsp Pepper
  15. 2 Tbs Olive Oil
  1. Preheat oven to 400f.
  2. Peel the outer layers of the garlic bulb skin, leaving the skins of the individual cloves intact. Using a knife, cut ¼ to ½ inch off the top of the cloves, ensuring each individual clove of garlic is exposed.
  3. Using a muffin tin, place each head into its own section and drizzle a couple of teaspoons of olive oil over each. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30-35 minutes or until the cloves are golden and feel soft when pressed. Allow to cool.
  4. Using food processor, make the crust by mixing almond flour, Italian seasoning or dried basil, sea salt, coconut oil and ground flax seed. Slowly add hot water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the mixture begins to form a ball.
  5. Remove dough from processor and knead slightly, just enough to bring the mix together.
  6. Press dough into tart pan, ensuring even coverage across the bottom of the pan and about ¼ to ½ inch on the sides.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly golden.
  8. Prepare basil by washing, removing stems and drying completely. Prepare tomatoes by thinly slicing.
  9. Once tart crust has been baked, prepare garlic by squeezing cloves out of their skin. Mash garlic with a fork and spread this evenly over the entire crust.
  10. Layer basil leaves evenly over the roated garlic and top with layered tomoato slices.
  11. Sprinkle salt and pepper lightly over the entire tart and drizzle with remaining olive oil to ensure even coverage.
  12. Bake the tart for 30-35 minutes or until tomatoes are tender and tart crust is a deeper golden hue.
  13. Top with fresh basil, slice and serve.
  14. Makes 8 servings.
And Love it Too!
I hope you enjoy this dish as much as we have and look forward to seeing the other tantalizing tomato treats this week from all of the Summer Fest bloggers!


Cooking With Elise: Fresh Tomato Sauce
Jeanette’s Healthy Living: Tomato Gazpacho Salsa
Napa Farmhouse 1885: Tomato Cobbler Anyone?
Virtually Homemade: Spaghetti With Tomatoes, Prosciutto and Fresh Corn
What’s Gaby Cooking: Chicken Kebabs With Romesco Sauce
Big Girls, Small Kitchen: Salmon Spaghetti With Plum Tomatoes and Avocado
Feed Me Phoebe: Roasted Fresh Tomato Puttanesca Sauce
Chez Us: Easy Tomato Tart
Made By Michelle: Tomato and Pesto Pizza
Ingredients, Inc.: Lighter Fried Green Tomatoes
Delicious Lean: Creamy Light Tuna Salad Stuffed Tomatoes
Daily*Dishin: Spicy Tomato-Tomatillo Chicken Tenders
From My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam
Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata
Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato
Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo
Zaika Zabardast: Grilled Tofu and Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Sandwich
Thursday Night Dinner: Tomato and Watermelon Salad
Cooking Channel: How to Prepare Summer Tomatoes
FN Dish: Tomatoes Go Beyond Salads


  1. What a pretty tart featuring the classic tomato, garlic and basil combination. Your crust sounds incredibly good.

  2. looks SO good…and also looks pretty Whole 30 safe to me too! Look forward to trying this…my green tomatoes will be red soon!

  3. This looks delicious. I wish my husband liked tomatoes. He’ll eat them as pasta sauce or salsa but not when they look like tomatoes. đŸ™‚

  4. Oh Sunny, this looks incredible!!! The ingredients are so healthy and delicious! Perfect for a summer meal.

  5. How many tomatoes do U use. Thanks


  1. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

  2. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

  3. […] And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart […]

  4. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

  5. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

  6. […] And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart […]

  7. […] Tomato JamDishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini FrittataAnd L&#959&#957&#1077 It T&#959&#959: Roasted Garlic, Basil &#1072nd Tomato Paleo TartHealthy Eats: Th&#1077 Fresh-f&#959r-Once TomatoSweet Life Bake: Pico de GalloZaika Zabardast: […]

  8. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

  9. […] My Corner of Saratoga: Tomato Jam Dishin & Dishes: Tomato Zucchini Frittata And Love It Too: Roasted Garlic, Basil and Tomato Paleo Tart Healthy Eats: The Fresh-for-Once Tomato Sweet Life Bake: Pico de Gallo Zaika Zabardast: Grilled […]

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